Legal Tools 111 (Utilitydisk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Also Credited Groups


  • LSD (Series Publishers)


Direct Files



      __       ________  ________
     /  \____ /    ___/ /_____   \       LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 111
    /   /    \\____   \/    \/   /        COMPILED BY PAZZA IN JUNE 1993
    \________//_______/\________/           PAZZA OF LSD - 0427 677463

 EPP - Amiga E preprocessor (0.10b)    FINF - File info KS2 (1.15)
 PLUSED - Text Editor KS2 (2.0)        PLUSED.030 - 030 version KS2 (2.0)
 PLUSED.040 - 040 version KS2 (2.0)    PROMOTOR - Screen promotor KS3 (-)
 BFI - Brain Fuck interpriter KS2 (-)  BFC - Brain Fuck compiler KS2 (-)
 SMARTPLAY - Module player KS2 (3.0)   TOBACK&FRONT - Window manager KS2 (-)
 VIRUSZ - Guess! (3.06)                VZBE - Virus Z brain editor (1.0)
 SHELLTERM - Mini comms KS2 (1.19)     WATCHPORT - Shellterm tool KS2 (-)
 SCRAMMER - Multi tool KS2 (37.2)