Legal Tools 024 (Utilitydisk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Also Credited Groups


  • LSD (Series Publishers)


Direct Files



      _____   _________________
     /    /__/    _____  /     \        LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 24
    /    /   \_____    \/   /   \      
    \    \    \    \    \   \    \      COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992

FATDIR - Dir info (1.3)                 FREECOPY - Parimiter copier (1.8)
COMPARE - Freecopy util (-)             AS3 - Freecopy util (-)
LACE - Interlace your pointer (1.0)     SYSTEM_INF - System info (2.0a) 
MRIPPER - Master music ripper (1.0)     NCOMM - Comms software (2.0)
PBVIEW - NComm Phonebook view (-)       TIMECHECK - Check your clock (-)
PSX - KS2 util (1.3)                    WINDX - KS2 util (1.0)
DIRMASTER - Disk database (1.1)         ZAP - File editor (2.35)
Also on this disk, Ncomm HostBBS