Legal Tools 042 (Utilitydisk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Also Credited Groups


  • LSD (Series Publishers)


Direct Files



      _____   _________________
     /    /__/    _____  /     \       LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 42
    /    /   \_____    \/   /   \      
    \    \    \    \    \   \    \     COMPILED BY PAZZA & FISH IN DEC. 1992

AIBB - Amiga Benchmarks KS3 (5.0)     MODINFO - AIBB utility (5.0)
CANONBJ10 - Canon printer driver (-)  CANONPREF - Set Canno prefs KS2 (-)
FONTSHOP - DL Canon fonts KS2 (-)     REPORT - Tells Canon prefs (-)
VIRUS-INTERCEPTOR - Guess! KS2 (1.01) BINCON - Iff to dc.b converter (1.01)
IMAGELAB - Image converter (2.4)      TEXT-WANDLER - Ami-PC txt conv (2.2)
MODEL4D - Object manipulator (-)      APPEND - DMS text joiner (1.0)
NTSC4NTSC - NTSC to PAL KS2 (2.0)     NTSC4NTSC.DEBUG - NTSC tool KS2 (-)
SOURCETIDY - Sourcecode fixer (0.0)   TIMERV1.EXE - CLI timer (1.0)
MINICHAINV0.33 - File linker (0.33)   UNCHAIN - File unlinker (-)

NOTE: ORGANIZED! the filofax program has been removed from this disk, I took 
it from a magazine coverdisk. The author contacted me and told me it was 
released by accident and is NOT PD. Please replace the old copy of LT42 with 
this disk, thank you and appologies to the ORGANIZED! author.