Legal Tools 015 (Utilitydisk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Also Credited Groups


  • LSD (Series Publishers)


Direct Files



      _____   _________________
     /    /__/    _____  /     \        LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 15
    /    /   \_____    \/   /   \      
    \    \    \    \    \   \    \      COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992

SNOOPDOS - Monitor your system (1.2)*   T3E - Text to exe (-)
24TOPPM - 24 bit pics to PPM (1.09)     PPMTO24 - PPM pics to 24 bit (1.03)
AMIGATESTER - Test your system (-)      APLAY - ST player (4.2)
BMW - Boot menu writer (1.0)            BOOTGEN - Make bootmenus (3.4)
CJPEG - Image converter (-)         CJPEG.030 - 68030 Version (-)
DISDF - Kill drives (1.0)               KCOMMODITY - OS2 Commodity (1.63) 
DJPEG - Image converter(-)         DJPEG.030 - 68030 Version (-)
PATCHNTSC - 216 screen height (-)       PAULCOPY - 1 drive copier (2.0)
WASP - Image converter (1.21)           ZSHELL - Shell, small and good (-)
PICBASE - Picture database (0.36)     

Fast modem HST settings on this disk, check out dir!   * = Must be "Run".  
Type PPMORE, then look in the docs & sources directory, also see the README!

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