Legal Tools 074 (Utilitydisk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

LSD (Series Publishers)



Direct Files



      __       ________  ________
     /  \____ /    ___/ /_____   \       LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 074
    /   /    \\____   \/    \/   /     COMPILED BY PAZZA & FISH MARCH 1993
    \________//_______/\________/           PAZZA OF LSD - 0427 677463

 JBPHELP - Online help (0.37)          RSCP - Rawspeed test (1.1)
 PPACK - Powerpacker clone KS2 (1.6)   REDUCER - Space saver (1.0)
 UNMOVIE.68000 - movie to IFF (-)      UNMOVIE.68020 - 020 version (-)
 VIRUSCHECKER - Guess! (6.22)          UNZIP - Unzip Zip files (5.1d)
 FUNZIP - Filtered unzip (2.1)         ZIPINFO - Info on Zip files (1.04)
 SYSINFO - System info (3.17)          FORTUNE - Fortune cookies (2.0)
 MUSICBOX - SoundFX player (1.8)       NEWLOADWB - Load from WB (-)
 NEWZAP - Binary file ed (3.25)

                  Also see the new XprzModem.library (2.1)