Legal Tools 021 (Utilitydisk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Also Credited Groups


  • LSD (Series Publishers)

Utilitydisk Contents

AdmiralsTypecontained asYear
downloadFileMaster V2.0Tool
no music

added 5/10


Direct Files

Files From Contents



      _____   _________________
     /    /__/    _____  /     \       LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 21
    /    /   \_____    \/   /   \      
    \    \    \    \    \   \    \     COMPILED BY PAZZA IN AUGUST 1992

BRUSH_4D - IFF to SA4D (1.2)        SPIRAL_4D - Spirals for SA4D (1.2)
FRACTAL_4D - Fractals for SA4D (1.2)   KEYMACRO - Key handler (1.12)
ADDMENU - Add menu KS2 (1.56)          VIRUS_CHECKER - Virus checker (6.0)
ANSIMISE - Ansimise (3.1)              BOOTRIPPER - Ripper (-)
CFED10 - Cyberfont editor (1.0)        PT1.2 - Protracker KS2 (1.2)
VTOT - Video tools on tap (-)          LOOKAT - Image shower (1.12)
FANSI - Ansi editor (1.3)              FILEMASTER - Dir utility (2.0)
TOOLDEAMON - Tools Daemon KS2 (1.0)    TOOLPREFS  - Daemon prefs KS2 (1.0)
PRORIPPER - Protracker ripper (2.0)