
Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Balance (Series Publishers)






Individuals and Guests





Release Pack Intro or Menu

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear
downloadsUpstream 06 - intro
on Galemands Gilde 1993
Chagall - Razta - Wolfman
PowerPacker 4.0
164964 bytes / crc
added 12/07
musdownloadgraphics are none.pt01:32used in/for secret part


3714 bytes / crc
added 3/96

Pro-Packer V2.1
115056 bytes / crc
added 4/97

Release Features

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear


120670 bytes / crc
added 4/97


Direct Files

Files From Packintro

Files From Features



Hobbits, Spaceships informer. Upstream former known as Magbox. This mag is a pleasure to read. The overall look is really good. The colors are a bit to dark in my taste but they suit each other perfect. The text is very well formatted and makes it easy to read.


Interview with Dice (aka Tivurr)


·Interview with Dice / Kefrens

Done by Wolfman / Balance

Here  we've  got it! An interview  with
the notorious Dice of Kefrens.   We have
finally  managed  to  get  an interview
through with this weird musician.

(BLC   =  Wolfman / Balance)
(DICE  =  Dice / Kefrens)

BLC:   Well  Klaus,  I might know you a
little,   but   I  think  you'd  better
introduce  yourself  a  little  to  the
readers...    You  know...   Age,  real
name, other hobbies, function etc.
... read more

Interview with Fish


·Interview with Fish / LSD

Written by Cyber Bug / Balance

This  time  the  poor  and  bloody  guy
called  FISH/LSD was interviewed by me,
Cyber  Bug.   I  wanted  to  make  this
interview  via  phone,  but  then  some
problems  accured and I decided to make
this interview via mail.  OK, enough of
introductions,   go   on   reading  the

(CB   = Cyber Bug / Balance)
(FISH = Fish / LSD)

BLC:   Hi  Andy, like the usual, please
introduce   yourself  to  our 
... read more

Interview with Godhead


·Interview with Godhead / Reflex

Done by Godheads / Reflex's brother.... (Suspicious ain't it)

As  you  know, Upstream is invaded by a
lot of articles by a mysterious Godhead
of  Reflex.  Now who is this guy?  He's
a  Swede, and edits, but what else?  We
put his brother on the case, and here's
what he came up with...

(BRO = Brother)
(RLX = Godhead)

BRO:  Ok, now first, what is your name?
RLX:   It's  Godhead  of Reflex...  You
know that...

BRO:    So,   w
... read more

Party Invitations

Invitation to European Computer Conference 93

 .             ______ __ _ _ _
 :    \ __    /                                         _ _ __ _
 |     X  \__/                                                  \  __ _ _
 |\___/                Early and FAST Info About!                \/
 |/                  _      ___    _______        ______   _
 |         /\    /\ | \  /\/  \\  /      /\    /\/\     \ / \
 |        /  \  // \|  \/  \   \\/ _____// \  /  \ \/\  \\|  \
 |       /|   \//   \   \   \   \\  |  //   \/  //  \    \\   \
... read more

Invitation to Saturne Party 1 1993


You Dreamed Of It... Saturne did it !!!


This Legal-Party, organized by the Saturne group, will be the biggest ever
realised in France on Amiga. This party will assemble people coming from
whole Europe.
One mega-competition will take place on Amiga 500 and for the first time on
A1200 !!!

Date: From Saturday Sept. 4th 1993 up to 8.00am to Sunday 5th at 20.00pm

Place: At 20 Km at the East of Paris, easy access, important parking.

Address: Centre Culturel 
... read more

Invitation to The Party 1993

THE PARTY 3 - The Ultimate!!!

THE PARTY 3 - The ultimate!!!

Written by Wolfman / Balance

Many  people  probably thought that the
article in Raw #5 about THE PARTY 3 was
a joke, but NO!  It's a reality, and we
have  collected  LOTS  of juicy details
about  the party.  Look out, it will be
bigger and better than ever...

When and where
Most  people  should  be  aware  of the
time.   As  "always"  the party will be
held  between  christmas  and new-year.
It's the place that's more interesting.
... read more

Party Reports

Report on The Computer Crossroad '93

TCC '93 report

·The Computer Crossroad '93 report

Written by Wolfman / Balance

Here  is  the report of the lately held
Computer Crossroad Party '93 in Sweden.
We  were there and now we bring you the

The place
The  party  was held in one of Sweden's
largest  exhibitions-halls.  To be more
exact:   Svenska  Messen located in the
center  of  the beautifull Swedish city
Gothenburg (Göteborg).
The  hall  was  QUITE huge.  A total of
7000  squaremetres  was  used  for  the
party  itself,
... read more

Release Reviews

Review on Alchemy

·Alchemy by Rage (1)

CODE:   The  code  in "Alchemy" is very
limited  as  this is an animation-demo.
Still,  there are things which I'd like
to  comment.   It's  LAME  to include a
routine  checking  for  the AGA-chipset
and the demo crashes later anyway.
The  vector-objects  included  are okay
designed and that's about all I can say
about the code.

GRAPHICS: The demo is mostly consisting
of  animations.  Some of them are quite
okay,  and  some  of  them  are NOT!  I
think they could have cho
... read more

Review on How To Skin A Cat!

·How To Skin a Cat by Melon Dezign (3)

CODE:   This doesn't contain a very big
amount  of  routines,  but the routines
there   are   very  nice  indeed.   The
rubber-  vector  is very realistic made
and  the  plot-tunnel  in  beginning is
also  nice.   As a major plus, the demo
actually  takes  advantage  of  the AGA
chip-set  when the machine is run on an
A1200.   The  lightsourced vectors runs
in  256  colors  and some plot-routines
are  also  enhanched.   A strange thing
though is that the 
... read more

Review on Illusion

·Illusion by Virtual Dreams / Fairlight (2)

CODE:   The first thing that struck me,
was  the  combability  (Or  the lack of
it).   To  begin  with, I got a version
only  working on Amiga 500's with 1 meg
of  chip.  Now I got a one-file version
working on normal A500's, but still not
A1200,   lousy!    Anyway,   the   demo
contains  some  nice  effects  and  new
routines  which  are  nice  to look at.
Also a fast light-sourced vector tunnel
is  there,  looking  VERY nice.  All in
all  the codin
... read more

Review on Imperial Tunes 2 -The Hitsingle-

·Imperial Tunes 2 Hitsingle by Parasite

MUSIC:   The first tune "Believe In Me"
is  a  guitartune.   At  some points it
could   be  better,  but  otherwise  it
contains  some nice riffs.  I think the
jury  at  The Gathering '93 should have
let  this  one compete.  The other tune
"Judgement   Day"   is   a  silent  and
atmospheric theme, quite okay.

GRAPHICS:   First  gfx  appearing is an
average   Parasite,  then  no  graphics
untill the mainscreen which is drawn by
Mount.   The  best part of
... read more

Review on Memorial Songs

·Memorial Songs by Alcatraz/Scoopex/Mauve

MUSIC:  Well, since LizardKing made the
music,  I guess there's no need for any
detailed  description  about the music.
It's    the   "good   old"   style   of
LizardKing.  Perhaps a bit worn by now,
but  still worth a listen.  Lizard King
never  seems  to run out of inspiration
for good themes.  Very nice!

GRAPHICS:   Most  of the graphics which
was  made by Tony, is rather nice.  The
credits-part  logos  are all well-drawn
and  except  for  the  UGL
... read more

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