
Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Illusion (Sweden) (SE) (Group)



Individuals and Guests


  • Accord (SE) (Infinity (SE))
  • Deelite (SE) (Phew! Productions / Infinity (SE))


  • Magnum (SE) (Circle) (title, menu)


Release Features

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear

Accord & Deelite

73458 bytes / crc
added 3/97

Release Connections

Contained In Packs

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear
downloadDelicious Fruits 210Packdisk
Control - Orbit

added 5/08
downloadNevermind 31Packdisk
Chaos! - Dynamite - Kernal - ...

added 2/06
downloadRabid Halflings From Mars 10Packdisk
Banana Dezign
Marlboro - Necro - Spiff

added 12/11
downloadTrusse Indlæg Collection 4Packdisk
no music - Cli-Menu Packdisk

added 10/14
downloadBack Pack 14Packdisk
Groo - HR - Razer

added 8/20


Direct Files

Files From Features



Probe left Razor 1911

Text Inside this Production

001 Editorial
002 Credits
003 PD-Note
004 How to Use Propaganda
005 How to Contribute.
006 Official Spreaders
007 Reactions on Issue One
008 Open letter to Zinkfloid/TRSI

009 News Editorial
010 News I
011 News II
012 News III
013 News IV

014 News V
015 Really very TRUE news !

               THE SCENE
016 Amiga Compability.
017 Absolute Swedish.
018 Best Swapper Charts ?
019 Some opinion on Diskmags - Reply
020 Dis
... read more


Interview with Black Legend Software

  Interview with Richard Holmes, the
  boss on Black Legend Software...

C: Colorbird/Illusion
R: Richard Holmes 

This interview was made during a night
on the ECC-party in Orebro,Sweden 1993

C: Could you please give us some small
   personal information to start with?

R: My name is Richard Holmes,  I'm the
   founder and manager of Black Legend 
   Software.     I'm  British, live in 
   England and  Switzerland  and am 20
   years old.

... read more

Interview with Eva Heimdahl

Interview with Eva Heimdahl
(Better known as Some1's Girlfriend)
Interview made by Some1/Illusion...
Ok!    After  the  interview  with  my
brother in issue # 1 of this great mag
I  got many letters saying that it was
the    best    interview   they   ever
read...And     they     wanted    more
interesting  interviews,  so I thought
what  the  hell...let's  interview  my
girlfriend  who's  very  interested in
the scene...NOT!
EH=Eva Heimdahl
... read more

Interview with Groo

Interview   with   Strobo/Stellar  and
Groo/CNCD made by Some1/Circle 
(now Illusion)



S1- Hi there guys and welcome to this
VERY       interesting       interview
(hopefully?)  Why don't you start with
telling  us  something about something
you want to tell about...(?)

St-  I  want  to  tell about myself so
that  all  the many girls in the scene
can   contact   me  at  the  following
address  (check  the  address section,
... read more

Interview with Probe

Interview  with almighty Probe written
by Some1/Circle At the ECC-Party!!!!

S1 = Some1
Pb = Probe

S1-  Hi  probe...we  are  writing this
interview just after the beer drinking
competition....Are you feeling well???

Pb- Well, I'm alright, but dizzy...

S1- Yes..You did win the compo didn't
    you ??

Pb- Who else should win???  ;)

S1-  OK!   tell  us  about  your  sex

Pb- Well, this is really private, but
since  I'm drunk, i can tell ya some..
Well,  I've  got  a  girlfriend cal
... read more

Interview with Strobo

Interview   with   Strobo/Stellar  and
Groo/CNCD made by Some1/Circle 
(now Illusion)



S1- Hi there guys and welcome to this
VERY       interesting       interview
(hopefully?)  Why don't you start with
telling  us  something about something
you want to tell about...(?)

St-  I  want  to  tell about myself so
that  all  the many girls in the scene
can   contact   me  at  the  following
address  (check  the  address section,
... read more

Party Invitations

Invitation to The Party 1993

                               S i l e n t s

                                L e m o n .

                            S p a c e b a l l s

                        |                         |
                        |   T H E    P A R T Y    |
                        |                         |
                        |         1 9 9 3         |
                        |                         |
... read more

Party Reports

Report on European Computer Conference 93

        E.C.C PartyReport !!!
        by Colorbird/Illusion

From  5/8  to  8/8 1993 did Virtual, a
quite  unknown  group, arrange a party
in  Sweden.   They  promised  lot  and
fulfilled  most  of the promises, even
though   it   didnt   come   too  much
visitors.     Actually   only   around
500-600  guys  turned  up.   Not  much
known  guys were there.  Only Alcatraz
Sweden,   some  guys  from  Stellar  ,
Carillion,    Razor    1911,    Circle
Phenomena,  Silent
... read more

Release Reviews

Review on 242


CODE:  One routine !  An impressive one
though, by Dr.Skull.  A packing routine
that  shows  a  digitised  movie on the
GFX:   Non-Existant  if  you  dont call
digitised picture graphics...
MUSIC:   A  kind  of  Techno style tune
that  actually  is  really good !!!  It
suits this demo perfectly...
DESIGN:   This is not a demo, this is a
musicvideo..   Its  kind  like State of
the  Art  but  with  a  digitised movie
instead...   Like  a technomovie..  The
design is ac
... read more

Review on A.S.S.


CODE:   There are actually not anything
new  here  but  its done in a very good
way  which  makes  this demo one of the
best   this  summer.   Escepcially  the
dottunnel was great!
GFX:   A lot of master pieces by Groo n
Rufferto.   Simply the best part of the
MUSIC:  Normal demomusic that suits the
demo fine but nothing more..
DESIGN:    SuperB   linkages   and   an
extremely   good  selection  of  colors
makes  it  one  of  the  best  designed
trackmos ever !!!  
... read more

Review on Extension


CODE:   The  code  is  very  impressive
because  the basic ideas are simple but
they have done it in an impressive way.
The vector citys are really great !!!
GFX:   There  is  just some fonts and a
loaderpicture   that   is   just  about
average.    Nothing   to   complain  on
MUSIC:  Jester/Sanity has done a rather
good tune that fits the demo very good.
It  sounds  like  its kind of linked to
the demo.
DESIGN:   Nice  screen and selection of
colours  but
... read more

Review on Neural Assault


CODE:   Well,  one routine that made me
satisfied,  the  rest  are too slow low
quality    routine   with   almost   no
GFX:    Logos   are   average  but  the
pictures !  They STINK!  A naked female
makes  me  wonder if the graphician has
ever seen a naked woman in his life...
MUSIC:   Not  bad  but  not  good.   An
average  tune  in a style that I do not
think suit a demo..
DESIGN:   Strange and sometimes ugly...
But   I   have  seen  worth  from  them
... read more

Review on Rink a Dink


CODE:   Not  much  routines,  but those
included  is  of  a  very high quality.
Nice  work  by  Paradroid there...  The
Graphicsrotater     has    an    really
impressive zoomeffect..
GFX: A very good titlepicture by Danny
and Facet. And some really good logos
too... Very good...
MUSIC:  One word is enough...  NUKE !
DESIGN:  Nice linkages and selection of
colors  in  this one.  Lemon shows that
they know design here.
TOTAL:Well, This demo could have been a
top  5 demo bu
... read more

Review on Suicid 6


Intro: tsk.. not good... And I thought
TRSI had good graphicians.   This  may
suit  the  diskmag of an unknown group
but in TRSI !!!

Code: Well, nothing to complain about.
All  works as it should and it's quite

Design: Here is the point where we can
talk for hours but I will only say, if
you think Propaganda #1 has bad design
then read Suicid  and you  change your
mind pretty fast... 

Music: As I only remember that I first
liked  it for a  few minutes  before I
turned  down
... read more

Review on Upstream 06


Intro: Well, its a real intro...  Well
What should one say, cool  picture and
nice tune.     The beginning is  quite
effectfull but  the vectorobjects  are
really lame. 

Code:      YES! The code is smooth and
everything that one could ever want in
a diskmag is included.

Design:    This  mag is a  pleasure to
read. The overall look is really good.
The colors  are a  bit  to  dark in my
taste but they suit each other perfect
The text  is  very well  formatted and
makes it easy to re
... read more

Review on Waterproof


CODE:  Well, a nice gfx rotater that is
faster  than  Lemons.   Some  nice ball
routines    and    fractal   routines..
Perhaps  one  of the strongest parts in
this demo..
GFX:  One good logo and rest of the gfx
are just average.
MUSIC:  A really good technostyle track
in  this  demo  that  really  suits the
demo.   Some1  & Prime show again their
DESIGN: ehhh... No linkages, only fades
and flashes. Some nice colors on some
screens, though....
TOTAL: A good tr
... read more

Releases that reviewed this one

review contained inTypeAuthorYear
downloadThe Charts 07Diskmagazine
Ram Jam
ACBS - Bross - Buckly - ...
added 3/96