Intel Outside 2
This is a small party-report written by AwEsoN/iLLUSiON !!
Well, where should I startup with this party-report - maybe I should
tell you first what I think in general about this first party I have
visited in Poland, yet !! IT WAS REALLY GREAT !! Why ?!?
I think nearly all guys from the polish scene showed up at the party-
place; this means that about thousand people visited this party which
was a surprise for me (and maybe even for the organizers) - I did not
expect that many people to be at the party. When I went to the party,
I was a little bit affraid if all people would talk polish all the
time and that I would be bored to death because I only would have the
chance to speak to a few guys in english. But when I arrived at the
party-location, a friend of mine (STAN/iLS) introduced me to some of
his friends, and when they heard that I was from Germany, they star-
ted to talk to me in english. I was surprised that all guys were very
friendly: They came to me, shook hands with me, introduced themselves
and started to chat with me about scene and real-life. In fact, there
was really nobody, who seemed to be an arrogant and "so elite" guy,
and I have really talked to many guys from many groups - really fa-
mous and unknown sceners but really nobody was unfriendly. I think
that this is not too "normal" for scene-parties; on other parties
there are these really "elite" guys, you are not allowed to talk to,
because they are really "much too elite" (btw: I wonder why most of
these arrogant people from the scene are swappers, traders or sysops;
what can THEY be proud of ??).
Another great thing were the productions, which were presented at the
big screen. Just have a look at the demos - the time when everybody
laughed about polish productions is really over now. And also keep in
mind, that the prices were really low: 400 DM (not even 300$) for the
first position of the demo-competition; that means that polish groups
still do demos for having fun and for keeping the scene alive and not
for earning much money (another example about what polish sceners
think about producing anything just to earn the money from the compe-
titions is DREAMER - the polish guys like his music but they will not
vote for any of his modules because DREAMER just wants to earn the
money from the compos !! (btw: This is what I have heard about DREA-
MER !!).
Of course, there were not only nice and cool things about the party:
-There was only a very small door at the entrance so it took a really
long time to get all people into the building.
-The main-hall was a little bit too small, or maybe the organizers
should have build up another big-screen out of the main-hall, be-
cause it was really too crowded in the mainhall while the compos
were running.
-All screen-informations, vote-sheets, etc. were in polish.
These is all bad points about the party - the rest of the party was
really great fun: MANGA-films in a seperate room all the time, demos
(old and new ones) were shown at the big-screen between the compos, a
RAVE-party including a live-act and a striptease-girl, talking, boo-
zing and just having a great time !!
So, why did I write this party-report then ?! Well, as far as I know,
I was the only guy at the party, who could not speak polish and I
think that most european sceners just did not know what they could
expect from such a polish party and therefore they did not want to
spend money for the journey, etc. But I can tell you - you really
missed a party, which was completely different (somehow), which was
more fun (for sure) than any other party I have visited yet (this in-
cludes THE PARTY 4, too !!) and therefore I want to ask more sceners
from foreign countries to visit such a big polish party, simply be-
cause it is really worth it !! But please, only dudes who want to
have fun and who are not arrogant - at least I think that the polish
sceners are not interested in talking to "so elite" guys !!
A last sentance: There was fun, friendship and great demos,
which were really done for the fun of it -
Invitations to this Party
Invitation found in | Type | Author | Year |
Demo | Union Mr. Root - Pic - Thomas | a7/95 added 6/06 |
Invitation Text
OH, NO! ANOTHER COOL PARTY IN WARSAW ! We would like to welcome you to another party in Warsaw the capitol of Poland. As we promised last year, this party is called Intel Outside 2 and it takes place in the largest disco-club in Warsaw called "Stodoîa". Lots of people said many good things about our last party, but there were also some good advices from them as well as our own thoughts. So, with all these things in mind we will try to make this part... read more
Invitation found in | Type | Author | Year |
Packdisk | Devious Dezigns Psyche - Spirit - Sypher - ... | a11/95 added 4/06 |
Invitation Text
OH, NO! ANOTHER COOL PARTY IN WARSAW ! INTEL OUTSIDE 2 "Super Dimentional Party 2" We would like to welcome you to another party in Warsaw the capitol of Poland. As we promised last year, this... read more
Reviews and Reports
Title | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine | Scalaris Ari - Atom - Bubba - ... | a11/95 added 5/13 |
Review Text
INTEL OUTSIDE PARTY 2-results sHORT rESULTS fROM 'iNTEL oUTSIDE pARTY 2', 29-30 sEPTEMBER 1995, wARSAW, pL! Demo compo: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1.Union ............... 319 pkt. 2.Union ............... 255 pkt. 3.Damage .............. 249 pkt. 4.WFMH ................ 212 pkt. 5.Venus Art ........... 208 pkt. 6.Anadune ............. 171 pkt. 7.Flying Cows Inc. .... 108 pkt. 8.Beton Design ........ 082 pkt. 9.TTN ................. 036 pkt. 10.Venture ............ 034 pkt. 11.Ozone Free ............ read more
Title | Type | Author | Year |
Packdisk | Old Bulls Caterpillar - Misha - Rygar - ... | a10/95 added 9/23 |
Review Text
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_ ___ ___ n| _______ ___/ /_______/ /__/__/_______ o|/ \/ / / _____/ ___/ / ____/ C/ / / / / /\____ \/ / / / / / /__/__/__/\__ /_______/ / /__/\______/ | \____/ \____/ presents True results of all compos at INTEL OUTSIDE PARTY II in Warsaw. - ENGLISH VERSION - -------------------------------------------- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Hello guys, These are true INTEL OUTSIDE PARTY II compo results: If you have any comments write to... read more
Releases and Competitions
Graphics Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
3 110 votes | Lazur | a9/95 added 8/22 | |
4 78 votes | Neuromancer | a9/95 added 7/23 | |
unselected | Siatek | a9/95 added 1/20 |
Music Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
unselected | Klaf & Timer | a8/95 added 3/24 |
4k Intro Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 509 votes | Funzine Dura | 8/95 added 8/09 | |
2 409 votes | Union Docent | 8/95 | |
3 293 votes | Amnesty Hasid | 8/95 added 6/07 | |
4 223 votes | Ozone Free Dzieciuch | 8/95 added 2/00 | |
5 93 votes | Saf Oster | 8/95 added 11/09 | |
6 62 votes | Scalaris | 8/95 added 2/11 | |
7 31 votes | 8/95 added 5/13 | ||
8 22 votes | Rektum Robson | 8/95 added 6/06 | |
9 17 votes | Corky Inc. | 8/95 added 5/13 | |
10 16 votes | Joker Dalthon - Gbh | 93 added 3/10 | |
11 11 votes | Skulls | 8/95 added 5/13 | |
12 6 votes | Status Ok Grochu | 8/95 added 12/09 | |
13 5 votes | Male Chauvinist Pigs Sis | 8/95 added 3/13 | |
13 5 votes | Illusion (new) | 8/95 added 3/13 | |
13 5 votes | Genetic (PL) Cron | 8/95 added 6/06 | |
13 5 votes | Joker Dalthon | 12/93 added 3/97 | |
17 2 votes | Orbital | 8/95 added 5/13 | |
18 1 votes | Sauron Macc - Mahdi | 8/95 added 5/13 | |
19 | Status Ok Grochu | 8/95 added 12/09 |
64k Intro Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 243 votes | Union PP - Pic | a8/95 | |
2 210 votes | Confusion Ellyn - Exceed | a8/95 added 11/11 | |
3 148 votes | Old Bulls Sabe | 8/95 | |
4 139 votes | Floppy Bartman - Thorus - Walek - ... | 8/95 | |
5 133 votes | Exile Jamer - Klatek - Nim0 | a8/95 | |
6 126 votes | Public Image Limited Thomas | a8/95 added 2/13 | |
7 96 votes | Virtual Madness Acid - Captain Zbig - Fatman | 8/95 added 10/08 | |
8 83 votes | Intruders Horniac | 8/95 | |
9 82 votes | Illusion (new) Ismal - Rych | 8/95 | |
10 49 votes | Flying Cows Echo - Plexa | 8/95 added 3/97 | |
11 41 votes | Union Docent - Nibbler - Seq | a8/95 | |
12 40 votes | Dinx Project Sachy | 8/95 added 6/13 | |
14 27 votes | Ozone Free Kurczak - Morph | 8/95 added 2/99 | |
15 | Axen | a8/95 added 2/23 | |
16 24 votes | Psycho Killers Raptor | a8/95 | |
17 24 votes | Gay Team Locha - Placek | 8/95 added 1/13 | |
18 19 votes | Convex Dr. Luck - Informer | 8/95 | |
19 13 votes | Psycho Killers | 8/95 | |
20 9 votes | Thefect & X-tension Unky | 8/95 added 6/08 | |
21 7 votes | Sdip Jaki - Swiety Mikolaj | 8/95 added 11/09 | |
22 | Technology Alien - Immortal - Sundance - ... | a8/95 | |
23 | Zomo Kajetan - Sir James - Tharan | 8/95 added 7/06 |
Demo Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 319 votes | Union Musashi - Roberts | 8/95 added 12/98 | |
2 255 votes | Union Amst - Hali - Pic | a8/95 added 1/99 | |
3 249 votes | Damage Dragon - Miklesz - Sitek - ... | a8/95 | |
4 212 votes | World Federation Of Mad Hackers Keres - Robin - Thorgal - ... | cc8/95 added 6/06 | |
5 208 votes | Venus Art Calf - Elf - Joseph - ... | a8/95 added 2/97 | |
6 171 votes | Anadune Blackwine - Dr. Greg - Kazik - ... | 9/95 | |
7 108 votes | Flying Cows Exo - Kurczak - Snail - ... | 8/95 | |
8 82 votes | Beton Dezign & Fetish Dr. Pacient - Green - Wolf - ... | 8/95 | |
9 36 votes | Three Times No Bhp - T.p. - Tedy | a8/95 added 8/08 | |
10 34 votes | Venture (Poland) | z9/95 added 10/16 | |
11 31 votes | Falcons (PL) & The Mental Hospital Ace - Chary - Easy - ... | cc8/95 added 4/15 | |
12 29 votes | Ozone Free Excell - Kurczak - Magiel - ... | 8/95 | |
13 10 votes | Saf Oster - Stig - Tinner - ... | 8/95 added 6/06 | |
14 9 votes | Turnips Another - Bishop - Katarek - ... | 8/95 | |
15 4 votes | Mystic Bartesek - Cbm80 - Gunman - ... | 8/95 | |
16 2 votes | Rektum Cooper - Omega - Robson - ... | 8/95 added 6/11 |