Invitation to Intel Outside 2

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downloadBits and Pieces 119Packdisk
Devious Dezigns
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added 4/06
                  OH, NO! ANOTHER COOL PARTY IN WARSAW !
                              INTEL OUTSIDE 2
                        "Super Dimentional Party 2"
We  would  like  to  welcome  you to another party in Warsaw the capitol of
Poland.  As we promised last year, this party is called Intel Outside 2 and
it  takes place in the largest disco-club in Warsaw called "Stodoîa".  Lots
of  people  said many good things about our last party, but there were also
some  good  advices  from  them  as well as our own thoughts.  So, with all
these  things  in  mind  we  will  try  to make this party even better than
Here are some words for people who have never been on polish party.  We are
not beginners in party organization.  This is our fourth party, which takes
place  in  Warsaw.   The  organizers through all these years are almost the
same.   Our first party visited about 250 people, the second more than 300,
the  "Intel  Outside 1" more than 500 and we expect more than 800 guys this
year.   Our  main  idea is, that people don't pay lot of money only to come
and  see  some  usual  events.  We give people what they really want:  FUN!
Last year we organized a lot of funny compos, concerts and a few surprises.
We  don't  said  that  alcohol  is forbidden, but our professional security
takes care about all drunk guys and carries them outside the party place to
get some fresh air.
OK,  read  next pages to get more information about the party, competitions
and events.
                              The Organizers
Main coding         Thom                     
Music               Mr.Root                  
Graphics            Mr.Root and PIC          
Design              Mr.Root                  
                              Main organizers
                        Docent, Easy Rider, Mr.Root

                             WHAT ON THE PARTY
                     This year on The Intel Outside 2:
- 2 rooms for 1000 people
- in the main room really big big-screen and professional audio equipment.
- non-stop bar with food and beer.  No problems with food this year.
- MANGA ROOM - all latest anime shown on the high quality video equipment.
- Party radio - music, news, informations on the air inside the club.
-  Concerts - like last year we gonna organize a concert.  Who will perform
this year we don't know yet......
- Lots of funny compos

                            COMPETITIONS RULES
                          Demo Competition rules
A  demo  should  work  on  Amiga 500 (0.5 MB chip, 0.5 fast or 1mb chip) or
Amiga  1200  with 2MB.  The demo can utilise additional fast ram.  The demo
shouldn't  last longer than 10 minutes.  All demos will be run on A1200 wih
MC68030  50 MHz and 14 MB of RAM.  Please write on the disk the name of the
author  and  computer  type.   Disks without this information will not take
part in the competition!
                          Music Competition rules
Only one tune from one composer.  Selection will be done by the organizers.
Only  20  modules  will  take part in the competition.  Please write on the
disk  the  name  of  the  author  and  module  format.   Disks without this
information will not take part in the competition!
  If  the  module  is created using any non standard music software, please
put on the disk this program or the player for the module.
                         Graphic Competition rules
Only  one  picture per graphician!  All resolutions, supported by Amiga are
OK.   Please,  do not give us scanned pictures.  Write on the disk the name
of  the  author.   Disks without this information will not take part in the
                       64kB Intro Competition rules
Conditions  like  in the demo competition.  The intro cannot be bigger than
64  kilobytes  (65535  bytes).  Disk without startup-sequence will not take
part  in  the  competition!  Also write on the disk the name of the author.
Disks without this information will not take part in the competition!
                        4kB Intro Competition rules
I  wonder,  how  ma  ny  effects will coders put into this 4kB.  Good luck.
(only  4096 bytes).  Conditions like in the demo competition.  Write on the
disk  the name of the author.  Disks without this information will not take
part in the competition!
                       Amiga Power Competition rules
Here  is  a competition for power-hungry routines!  Basic computer for this
competition  is Amiga 4000 with MC68040 25 MHz.  Show everybody, that Amiga
rulez  !   Write  on  the  disk the name of the author.  Disks without this
information will not take part in the competition!
                       Ray Tracing competition rules
All  resolutions, supported by Amiga are OK.  Write on the disk the name of
the  author.   Disks  without  this  information  will not take part in the
                          Anim Competition rules
No  boundaries for artists.  But try not to make it bigger than 20 MB.  Use
LHA  or Quarterback to backup your submission.  Write on the disks the name
of  the  author  Disks  without  this information will not take part in the
                       Crazy Anim Competition rules
If  you  don't like for example priests, gays or any other person show your
opinion  here  and make an anim about it.  Load your favourite anim program
and go on!
                       Video Demo Competition rules
Raytraced  animation  (you  can include short video movie sequence).  AdPro
effects  etc  are allowed.  It should be no longer than 10 mins and must be
recorded on VHS video casette.
                                Fun Compos
Our  speciality.   We  will  organize  again  Burp-Compo,  Cola  Compo  and
Crazy-Music   Compo   but,   for   the   first   time,   we  will  organize
                 The number of PC Mainboards is limited !

                      HOW TO GET TO THE PARTY PLACE?
  Its  very  easy.   The  club  is  in the centre of Warsaw.  You can reach
Warsaw  by  air  or  by rail or by car.  If you are planning to go by train
simply  get  out  of the train at Central Railway Station.  Then Search for
trams  number 21, 12, 17 or 33 .  They are all going near the station.  Got
to  the  stop  with  trams  going  towards Marriott Hotel.  Get out after 4
stops.   The  road,  which  crosses  yours  near this stop is called Stefan
Batory Street.  This IS the right street!  Look around.  You'll see a crowd
of people.  It's the party place.
 If  you  choose  the  airplane, simply take a cab from the airport.  Watch
out!   The  best  way  is to call radiotaxi (number 919) from the airport -
they  are  cheap, honest and fast!  Do not take an accidental taxi - it can
cost  you  a lot more than the radiotaxi.  You can also take the bus number
175  and  leave  near The Marriott Hotel and Central Railway station.  From
this place you can simply reach the party place - look at the beginning.

                             CONTACT ADDRESSES
  If  you wanna visit our party and you need a reservation for your beloved
Amiga and yourself then write a letter to this address:
                             Mr.Root of Union
                                P.O.Box 23
                           05-807 Podkowa Leôna
                          The faster, The better.
                  If you want more information then call:
                           Voice: +48-090206684
                      Crazy World BBS: +48 22 6636797
                 The Last BBS: +48 22 429385 (22.00-7.00)
              Or chat on Internet's IRC on #AmigaPL channel
                           See you on the party!