Party Review for Intel Outside 2

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downloadKing Pack 091Packdisk
Old Bulls
Caterpillar - Misha - Rygar - ...
added 9/23
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 |       \____/        \____/  presents
True results of all compos at INTEL OUTSIDE

Hello guys,
These  are  true  INTEL  OUTSIDE PARTY II compo results:  If you
have any comments write to


1. Musashi/UNION                319
2. Braindead/UNION              255
3. Pulp Fiction/DAMAGE          249
4. WFMH                         212
5. Venus Art                    208
6. Anadune                      171
7. FCI                          108
8. Beton Design                  82
9. TTN                           36
10.Venture                       34


1. Funzine                      509
2. Union                        409


1. Scorpik/ABSOLUTE             316
2. Raiden/SUBSTANCE             304
3. Mercury/OBSESSION            272
4. Lifter                       185
5. Snoopy/SCOPE                 181
6. Rewizq/TENSION               158
7. Wierza/VENTURE               143


1. UNION                        555


1. UNION                        243
2. CONFUSION                    210
3. OLD BULLS                    148


1. Rygar                        176
2. Yoga/MYSTIC                  112
3. Lazur/UNION                  110

¦      i.N.T.E.L.  O.U.T.S.i.D.E.  II      ¦
|                                          |
¦            SHORT PARTY-REPORT            ¦

This is a small party-report written by AwEsoN/iLLUSiON !!

Well,  where  should  I startup with this party-report - maybe I
should  tell  you first what I think in general about this first
party  I  have visited in Poland, yet !!  IT WAS REALLY GREAT !!
Why ?!?

I  think  nearly all guys from the polish scene showed up at the
party- place; this means that about thousand people visited this
party  which  was  a  surprise  for  me  (and maybe even for the
organizers)  -  I  did  not expect that many people to be at the
party.   When I went to the party, I was a little bit affraid if
all  people  would  talk polish all the time and that I would be
bored  to death because I only would have the chance to speak to
a   few   guys   in   english.    But  when  I  arrived  at  the
party-location,  a  friend  of  mine (STAN/iLS) introduced me to
some  of  his  friends,  and  when  they  heard  that I was from
Germany,  they  star-  ted  to  talk  to  me  in english.  I was
surprised  that  all  guys were very friendly:  They came to me,
shook  hands  with me, introduced themselves and started to chat
with  me  about  scene and real-life.  In fact, there was really
nobody,  who  seemed to be an arrogant and "so elite" guy, and I
have  really  talked  to many guys from many groups - really fa-
mous  and  unknown  sceners but really nobody was unfriendly.  I
think  that this is not too "normal" for scene-parties; on other
parties there are these really "elite" guys, you are not allowed
to  talk  to,  because they are really "much too elite" (btw:  I
wonder  why  most  of  these  arrogant people from the scene are
swappers, traders or sysops; what can THEY be proud of ??).

Another  great  thing were the productions, which were presented
at  the  big  screen.   Just have a look at the demos - the time
when  everybody  laughed about polish productions is really over
now.   And  also  keep in mind, that the prices were really low:
400   DM   (not  even  300$)  for  the  first  position  of  the
demo-competition;  that  means that polish groups still do demos
for  having  fun  and  for  keeping  the scene alive and not for
earning  much  money  (another example about what polish sceners
think  about  producing anything just to earn the money from the
compe-  titions  is DREAMER - the polish guys like his music but
they  will  not vote for any of his modules because DREAMER just
wants  to earn the money from the compos !!  (btw:  This is what
I have heard about DREA- MER !!).

Of  course,  there  were not only nice and cool things about the

-There  was  only a very small door at the entrance so it took a
really long time to get all people into the building.

-The  main-hall  was  a  little  bit  too  small,  or  maybe the
organizers  should  have  build up another big-screen out of the
main-hall,  be-  cause it was really too crowded in the mainhall
while the compos were running.

-All screen-informations, vote-sheets, etc.  were in polish.

These  is all bad points about the party - the rest of the party
was  really  great  fun:  MANGA-films in a seperate room all the
time,  demos  (old  and  new  ones) were shown at the big-screen
between  the  compos,  a  RAVE-party  including a live-act and a
striptease-girl, talking, boo- zing and just having a great time

So, why did I write this party-report then ?!  Well, as far as I
know,  I  was  the  only  guy  at the party, who could not speak
polish  and I think that most european sceners just did not know
what  they  could  expect from such a polish party and therefore
they  did  not  want to spend money for the journey, etc.  But I
can  tell  you - you really missed a party, which was completely
different  (somehow),  which  was  more  fun (for sure) than any
other party I have visited yet (this in- cludes THE PARTY 4, too
!!)  and  therefore  I  want  to  ask  more sceners from foreign
countries  to visit such a big polish party, simply be- cause it
is  really  worth it !!  But please, only dudes who want to have
fun  and who are not arrogant - at least I think that the polish
sceners are not interested in talking to "so elite" guys !!

A  last  sentance:   There  was fun, friendship and great demos,
which were really done for the fun of it -

