Release Review for Memorial Songs

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadUpstream 06
on Galemands Gilde 1993
Beez - Blaze - Cesium - ...
added 4/97
·Memorial Songs by Alcatraz/Scoopex/Mauve

MUSIC:  Well, since LizardKing made the
music,  I guess there's no need for any
detailed  description  about the music.
It's    the   "good   old"   style   of
LizardKing.  Perhaps a bit worn by now,
but  still worth a listen.  Lizard King
never  seems  to run out of inspiration
for good themes.  Very nice!

GRAPHICS:   Most  of the graphics which
was  made by Tony, is rather nice.  The
credits-part  logos  are all well-drawn
and  except  for  the  UGLY font in the
mainpart it's all very pollished.

CODE:   Not  the big deal of code here.
Quite  a poor introduction actually.  A
plus is though that the musicdisk takes
advantage  of  extradrives and is quite

DESIGN:   The  design is Memorial Songs
is nothing special, but not bad either.
No smart linkages or anything, the only
design is how the mainscreen is set up,
that is:  Selection of modules, scrolls
etc.  etc.
I  guess it could have been better, but
the graphics makes it up

OVERALL:    Well,   all  in  all,  this
musicdisk  is  just about average.  The
graphics   and   music  are  far  above
average,  but  the  code  pulls it down
again.   The  most important thing in a
musicdisk  is  of course the music, and
that  haven't  been  compromised  here.
This  is  a  good  selection  of Lizard
King's  tunes  and it's clearly worth a