Inteview with Fish

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on Galemands Gilde 1993
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·Interview with Fish / LSD

Written by Cyber Bug / Balance

This  time  the  poor  and  bloody  guy
called  FISH/LSD was interviewed by me,
Cyber  Bug.   I  wanted  to  make  this
interview  via  phone,  but  then  some
problems  accured and I decided to make
this interview via mail.  OK, enough of
introductions,   go   on   reading  the

(CB   = Cyber Bug / Balance)
(FISH = Fish / LSD)

BLC:   Hi  Andy, like the usual, please
introduce   yourself  to  our  charming
readers out there.

FISH:    Ok!   Hi  everyone,  I`m  Andy

(FisH/LsD)   and   I`m  28  years  old,
(Fossle)  I've  been  in  LSD nearly 18
months  now,  I  do  GFX, a bit of mail
swapping  (A  bit???  you got more than
70   contacts   C.B-)  and  some  modem
trading  plus  a 14 inch deep pan pizza
eater!   Which  we indulge every Friday
night at Pazza's place!  hehe!

BLC:   Many  of  the  readers out there
know that you are sitting disabled in a
wheel  chair,  can  you  please tell us
what  you  think about the game ROOL or

FISH:    I   thought   the   game   was
EXCELLENT!  It`s about time someone did

something  like  that!   It wasn`t just
the GFX, SFX, coding and gameplay, it`s
the  idea  itself.  Many guys thought I
would  have  had  something bad to say!
but they were suprised to see me liking
it and spreading it like hell!  I think
more games should be made like it!  BUT
not  all  disabled poeple have the same
outlook  as  I do!  Many disable people
can take a joke about their disablitiy,
it`s  a  touchy  subject  though  which
cannot be resolved in a quick interview
(Wrong  dude,  this  will be your worst
interview ever C.B-)

BLC:    Which  music  are  you  usually
listening too?  Write anything you want
but  please not M*******n (censored....
I can not hear this name any more C.B-)

FISH:   Nothing  wrong  with Marillion!

(I told you that I dont want to hear it
or    dident    I???    C.B-)   hehehe!
Progressive  rock!  that`s what I like,
MAC,  JETHRO  TULL  and the rock in the
70`s   such  as  Deep  Purple,  Gillan,
Rainbow  that  sort  of stuff, but I`ve
mellowed  a little and sometimes listen
to  Chris de Burgh, Tapau, and a little
classcal  music.   OH  I  can`t  forget
FISH!  one hell of a singer!
BLC:   Please  describe your family for
us  and  tell us some things about your
kids and why you want to sell them.

FISH:   Yes,  I`m married with 2 little
animals,  errr  kids!  Why did God give
us  such  noisey little brats?  I think
it`s  my  patience that's going most of
all!   I`ve tried to sell them all over

the   place   but   no-one   takes   me
seriously!   I  even  got in touch with
the   Eastern   Arabian  White  Slavery
Commission, but after they had them for
2  days they paid me to take them back!
Is  there  no  hope?   The  best advice
you`ll  ever  get is:  NEVER HAVE KIDS!
(Thanks  for  the  good  advice I won't
have  any  C.B-) My wife is good to me!
she  lets  me  have  everything  that I
want,  good eh!  I think she gets a bit
pissed off that I`m on my computer most
of  the time.  Computer widow she calls
it!  Errmmm!  she could be right!

BLC:  How did you meet your wife & what
the hell happend that you married her?

FISH:   I  met her when she was staying
at  my  sisters  house!   Love at first
sight  and all that sort of stuff!  She

married  me even knowing what was wrong
with  me  and knowing what was going to
happen to me.  That says a lot!

BLC:   Who is the whorst lamer you ever
have met?

FISH:   Good Question!  Up until before
Christmas I would have said no-one, but
now,  I  would  say  the  kinda guy who
latches  onto  you to get what he wants
from  you, ie.  to get into your group!
and  once  he has his foot in the door!
drops  you like a tonn of spuds and not
only  that, but he starts shit stirring
to  other  guys  about  you!   I`ll not
mention  any names because I don't want
to   be  the  cause  of  more  trouble!
There`s  no  need  to  shit stir to get
into  groups,  but if you feel the need
to, you're not worth a fuck!

BLC:   What  kind  of hardware have you

FISH:   I  first  got  a A500 1.3, then
another  one,  then  an  external drive
extra   memory,  a  monitor,  a  9  pin
printer,  sold  the  9 pin and got a 24
pin.   Sold  one  of the A500 and got a
A1500,  got  another monitor.  Bought a
Vortex  40meg  HD,  sold  it  and got a
GVP52meg HD, Sold that and got a 120meg
HD  for the A1500 with 2 meg ram.  Sold
my  last  A500  and bought a A1200, and
bought  a Miracom Courier 14.4 HST Dual
Standard modem!  All that over a period
of 3.5 years.

BLC:    Do  you  maybe  know  what  the
meaning of life is?

FISH:  You're born, you live, you died!

What a waste!  (That's true C.B-)

BLC:   How is your current relationship
to the other LSD members?

FISH:   Great!   all LSD guys are great
mates  with each other!  That`s why LSD
is   such  a  great  group  to  be  in.
There's   no   back  stabbing  or  shit
stirring  or slagging each other off in
our  group,  if you can't be in a group
and  be  friend's  with  everyone, then
there's no place for you here!

BLC:  Please name us your favourite:

Food:  Pizza, Burger, Chinese

Drink:   Coffee,  boring,  yeah!  but I
don`t drink due to drugs.

Cloths:     Jogging    Suits!     their
comforable   while   sitting   in   the

Game:  All round favourite must be Kick
Off 2!  (Take a look on sensible soccer
it's more fun!  C.B-)(No it's NOT!-ed.)

Demo:   There  are many great demos out
but I must go for our own Jesus On E`s,
not  cos  it`s  ours,  but I do like it
very  much  (Believe  it  or  not  dear
readers,  this guy must have been under
drugs  while answering these questions,
who   would   change   his  taste  from
M*******N  to  TECHNO???   Probaly only
FISH is able to do that!  C.B-)

Coder:  Spaceball Team.  Shagratt, most
of the top European coders.

Musican:   Echo/LSD,  for  his  work on
Jesus on E`s.

Gfx  Men:  Watchman is my favourite but
there`s    still    guys   like   PGCS,
Diablo/Budbrain,        Reward/Scoopex,

Tools:  Dpaint 4, X-copy, DirWork.

Groups:   LSD, Crystal, Silents, Rebel,
TRSI.  etc etc.

Disk mag:  Grapevine (of course).

Condoms:  No thanx, to chewy (You idiot
they  are  not  for chewing but wearing
them,  that  explains  alot why you got
kids.  C.B-)

Candys:  I like sucking mints FOXES.

Choclate:  Occasionally

Hardware:  More the better!

Amiga   Model:   A1200,  learning  more
about it!

Socks:  Yeah, white sports socks!

Shoes:  Reebok trainers!

Sex Position:  All 9,374 of them.  Plus
the  missionary  postion.   (Is  he the
first guy in the scene who has answered
this question or what?  C.B-)

BLC:  In how many parties have you been
to,  and what was the best party you've
ever attended?

FISH:   I`ve  been  to 4 parties, and I

think  the  best  one  was  the  Quartz
summer  conference,  over  2  days, the
other   parties   were   either   badly
organised or lack of interest!

BLC:    I  will  now  write  down  some
sentence,  please  write down what will
pop up in your head first

Zine:  Get Grapevine

Hardwired:  Brill

10000000 Disks:  Yes please!

A4000: I will have your child!

Dogs:   The meat is to tuff!  get stuck
in your teeth!

Your  kids:   AAARRRGGGHHHH!  Wanna buy

them?   (Yup,  but  are  they  able  to
handle a SWAPPER'S job?  C.B-)

Raw:  Not bad!

This interview:  Interesting!

Virtual Reality Machines:   CRAP!

Arcade games:  Waste of money!

Your  Wife:  You wouldn't like to know!
(We  would, but your to shy to tell us!

LSD:   The  best group ever!  (Get real
no  group  is better than FrOgs!  C.B-)
(ehhh?  Frogs is DEAD, Cybie...  -Cs)

Grapevine:  Simply the best!

LSD    Docs:     Another    great   LSD
production.   (Don't  worry I'm already
planning  to  do my own ones which will
be  hopefully  in  the  same  standard.

Upstream:  First issue was cool!

Cyber  Bug/Balance:   Long  cool  phone
calls,  heheheh (But since I didn't get
any  cards  lately  there  won't be any
long once for a while C.B-)

Oddysey:  Excellent demo

Symposium Party:  Not as many guys went
as last year!

BLC:   We  all  have  seen  your  great
pictures  in  the  LSD productions, can
you  tell us from where you usually get

your  inspiration  in  doing  such nice
paintings  and  do you usually use your
airbrush  technics  when drawing on the

FISH:  I have many airbrush books, so I
get  a lot of inspiration from them.  I
did  use my airbrush technics on DPaint
but  now I`m using more DPaint technics
on  my  airbrushing!   If you notice my
Amiga  GFX, they are more airbrush type
piccies, I think it`s because I`ve been
doing  it for so long it`s hard to quit
a habit eh!  I like hi-res but the lack
of  colours  was  the problem, now with
the  AGA  I can use it alot better, but
not  many  guys  are  going  to see the
results,  or  until  the  A1200 is well
established  anyway!  There`s a certain
argument on the scene at the mo weather
a  artist should be fully credited with

a piccy if he has copied it!, Copied or
not!  who put the pixels on the screen?
and  the  guy is only been credited for
that!   I will not deny copying piccies
but  I`m  not claiming that the idea of
that  certain  picture  is  mine alone.
Some of the World's best paintings were
copied  off  something  or other!  (Why
not  writing  an  article  about  that?

BLC:  Please look out the window & tell
us what you see in this moment.

FISH:   Fuck  all, It's night and pitch
black  outside!  (Are you sitting again
at 4 Am modeming or what???  C.B-)

BLC:   What  kind of cloths do you wear
at this very moment?

FISH:   A  FISH  t-shirt,  gray jogging
trousers,  undies,  sock  and moccasans
(Yup  you  can  be sure that a fish has
answered these questions!  C.B-)

BLC:  What is your opinion on the scene
now  days,  when do you think the scene
was better the older days or now days?

FISH:   I  can't really answer that one
cause  I  wasn't  around  in  the older
days!  But what I have heard of them it
seems  that there were far less hassle!
More   fun  and  friendship,  and  less
fights  and  group wars!  There are far
too  many  guys  thinking that they are
far  above  everyone  else and too many
immuture guys on the scene who needs to
do a little growing up!

BLC:    What  do  you  hate  most  when
swapping & drawing?

FISH:   I`m not a swapper as such!  (No
not  at all huh???  C.B-) I only did it
to  fill  in  the rest of the time when
I`m  not  drawing, but it kinda got out
of  control  and I ended up with stacks
of  contacts,  many  of  them have turn
into  great  friends.  The thing I hate
about swapping is having to catch up on
a  major backlog of mail!  (Check mine,
I  got  to post of 170 packages after a
release  from Balance C.B-) That is the
most thing I hate!  There`s not a lot I
hate  about  drawing,  execpt  when you
have  to  do  a picture and you haven't
got    the   get   up   and   go!    No
inspairation!   Without  that you might
as  well  give  up  until you have some
cause  all  that  you  do  will just go

wrong!  It always happens to me anyway!

BLC:  Some rumours say that the members
of  Digital  do not like LSD very much,
what is your opinion on this?

FISH:   Children!  If they want to hold
grudges,  let  them!  It doesn't bother
us!   I  don't even know why they don't
like  us!   (Maybe because you guys are
one  of  the  top groups around?  C.B-)
And to say that LSD was gonna come last
in  their  demo competition before they
judged  it, and then LSD did come last!
Well,  we all can make our own minds up
about that eh!

BLC:   What  is  your  opinion  on  the
swappers now day, their behaviour, etc.

FISH:   Poor  chaps!   I`d hate to be a

full  time  swapper!   (come  on you're
actually  the  poor guy who swaps up to
10  disks with every guy, do it like me
and  swap with 2-4 disks and you'll see
it's not that bad.  C.B-)

BLC:   How  do you compare the scene in
England with the Scandinavian scene?

FISH:   Why Skandinavian Scene?
I    know   very   little   about   the
Scandinavian  scene!  I can give you my
opinion   between   the  UK  scene  and
Europe!   There's  a lot more talent in
other European countries, than there is
in  England!  The quality of production
are  far  better  than ours!  Why!  god
knows!   There are a lot more guys than
there   are   in   England,   and   the
Enthusiasm   is   a   lot  better  than

BLC:   Is  there  any question I didn`t
mention  but  you would like me to ask,
if  so  then give us the question & the

FISH:   Q.  Why do you think that a lot
of swappers stop swapping when they get
a modem?  (Indeed good question!  C.B-)

FISH:   If  there`s  ever  been  such a
piece  of hardware that`s so addictive,
it  has to be a modem!  (You tell me!!!
C.B-)  once on, you're hooked!  I would
have  never  thought  it  would be like
this  before I got it!  The wares don`t
really   come   into  it!   Apart  from
checking to see if it's a fake or real,
I  don't  run  the stuff.  I think it`s
the  fact to see your name up there and
see those creditz pile up, and chatting
to  guys  all  over  the  globe!   It`s

amazing!   So  once a swapper has got a
modem   and  finds  how  different  and
easier  it  is  to  trade, I think they
neglect  their  mail  swapping until it
stops  all together!  (Yeah, but if you
live  in  Israel,  and  do  not get any
calling  cards  for some time, then you
wish never to have seen one C.B-)

BLC:   That's  it  for  the  interview,
thanks  for  taking  the time to answer
all  the  questions.   You  got now the
chance  to  write  what  ever  you like

FISH:   Thanx to CyberBug (It's - Cyber
Bug   you   Moron!    C.B-)   for  this
interview,  greetz  go  out  to all LSD
guys  all  over the World.  Here's some

DR.CLOO/PIC               SAINT LOUP
ZED/PHOENIX                 RAVE/TSL

Sorry  if I`ve got your group wrong but
guys  are  changing groups all the time
and it`s hard to keep up!  hehe!
                           - FisH / LsD

NOTE:    If   you  would  like  to  get
interviewed  than  drop  me  some lines
(Cyber  Bug), you really do not have to
be  a  famous guy or so.  You only have
to be interesting, yup that's it, did I
ask  to  much???   If you're interested
then  drop  me  some  lines  with  some
information  about  yourself,  like for
example:  your function in the group or
whatever,  and I'll decide if I want to
make an interview with you or not - OK?
Send  also  some examples from your own
work   and  your  group's  productions.
Well, hope to hear from somebody soon.