Inteview with Ucom

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downloadRoyal Information 2Diskmagazine
Royal Amiga Force & Spreadpoint
Dr. Legal - Eku - Hextronix - ...
   spreadpoint interview 

what is your name, age, hardware,
                              function ?

^i am ucom, 16 years old, a500, 1mb ram,
 3.5" & 5.25" ext. drive and i do

tell me something about the history of
                           spreadpoint !

^spreadpoint was founded in 1985 by mike
 and marvin. multiscanner demo was the
 first sp^demo. after a long brake it
 was "refounded" by mike, mark and
 munster. the complete list of the
 demos/intros released by spreadpoint:
 multiscanner, green, x^large, knack,
 spreadpoint!, galaxy,dead destiny,
 rain, wooow, platin 3d, scrapheap,
 mathew. and ofcourse our cracks and the
 mastersekas by buddha, ...

how many members do you have ?

^we have about 25 members in austria,
 switzerland, belgium and germany.

what do you think about

    ^ copy parties ?   

 if there are cool people and if it is
 good organized i love copy parties.
   ^ mailtrading ?    

 too slow but more personal. also it got
 mostly worthless because of
 modemtrading. i do no mailtrading.
   ^ modemtrading ?   

 really funny but expensive.
   ^ friendship ?     

 the idea is really genious ( hehe )
 because in my opinion the relationships
 in the scene should be based on
 friendship, not on money.

    ^ software police ?

 the cops themselved should do their
 job, and stop confiscating demos,
 graphic^, sound^,and sourcecode^disx
 or modems, harddisx and computers
 without illegal stuff ( like the other
 day in belgium ).law should be like in
 switzerland. there you may copy
 whatever you want.

    ^ german post ?    

 the "german bundespost" is the lamest,
 most expensive organisation ever

why was spreadpoint not producing
                       anything lately ?

^that was because many of our creative
 people where very busy with their jobs
 or had to do military service (e.g.
 mnemotron who returned now) or where
 busy with school or university. here
 i want to greet uli and beamrider of
 sp who spend much time beside their
 work and family every day for the
 flying saucer board in belgium.
 but i hope all those things will
 change in future ...

what is spreadpoint planning to do in
                            the future ?

^i don't want to announce any
 productions here but there are some
 demos which were coded a long time ago
 and never released and i hope that they
 will be released in improved versions
 in future.

there was a little cooperation between
spreadpoint and subway some time ago,
but it ended quite soon. some people
told me that there was no coop ?

^well, some members of subway joined us
 but there are still some subway members
 (e.g. zerophase). but there is still a
 good frienship between subway and sp.

tell me something about the spreadpoint
meeting (like guys present and what were
                            you doing) ?

^the story about this meeting (hehehe) :
we wanted to make a meeting in hannover
at cocaine's place around silvester. but
it did not take place. as i wanted to
visit amicom in switzerland from 27th
dec to 3rd jan amicom and i had the idea
to make a small meeting in zurich on 2nd
and 3rd of january and so he asked the
sp^people from bavaria to go there.
the big surprise was cocaine :
he came just for this small meeting from
hannover to zurich. alltogether we were
9 people at fresh's place : amicom,
buddha, mark, cocaine, grampa, goran,
slash (ex sp, now defjam), fresh
(ofcourse) and me.
we decided to improve the organisation
in sp. it works like this: if anyone
wants to make e.g. a demo he gets in
contact with the people who could do
the coding, gfx, sound, ... so the
people get motivated to do something
by the "help yourself" princip. and
then they load their products down on
the boards in time. so our products
are first avaible on our boards.
also on this meeting amicom coded the
lissa demo in one night as an intro
for powerutility v2.12.
we also made a memberlist and decided
that there is no spreadpoint headquater.  

do you have anything left to say
         (greetings, boardnumbers,...) ?

^o.k. ... first i want to greet two
 friends, chromag and ultimax.
 then we want to greet slash.
     the number of our boards:
flying saucer (belgium) : +32^87866808 
               sysop: uli
dark century  (germany) : +49^5113880447
            sysop: blackstar
 call 'em !!

interview done by partly on the
vision/mirage party,partly afterwards.