
Graphics Artist

  • Known as active in 1991
  • Country: Germany
  • Known as member of Spreadpoint in 1991
  • Also with this name: Ucom (Success) (DE)

Jobs in Releases

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showing 1 matches from 102304 total entries
Title Group Category Year
Job: Graphics (logo)
Amiga Industries & Spreadpoint
added 3/96

Interviews with Ucom

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadRoyal Information 2Diskmagazine
Royal Amiga Force & Spreadpoint
Dr. Legal - Eku - Hextronix - ...

Interview Text

   spreadpoint interview 

what is your name, age, hardware,
                              function ?

^i am ucom, 16 years old, a500, 1mb ram,
 3.5" & 5.25" ext. drive and i do

tell me something about the history of
                           spreadpoint !

^spreadpoint was founded in 1985 by mike
 and marvin. multiscanner demo was the
 first sp^demo. after a long brake it
 was "refounded" by mike, mark and
 munster. the complete list of the
 demos/intros released by spreadpoint:
... read more