Coder, Music Artist, Texter
- Known as active in 1988
- Country: Denmark
- Known as member of Channel 42 in 1988
- Also with this name: Ice (Genesis (new)), Ice (Anthrox, Punishers, Power, Martyrium, Speedbox/Speedbit/High Times-Speedbox/High Times/F.x.) (AU), Ice (Static Bytes) (DK), ICE (Sanity, Decade, Frantic, Crying Fields/The Crying Field) (DE), Ice (Palace) (DK), Ice (Prime), Ice (X-Men, Vertigo, Dual Crew, Nemesis, Agile, Action, Damones, Dual Crew-Shining/DCS, Lunatic Asylum (Finland)/Thunderstruck, Concealed Dimension, Exodus Finland) (FI), Ice (Atomic, Stone Arts) (NO), Ice (Prong) (IT), Ice (Sardonyx), Ice (Syndicate (new)), Ice (Chaos (1992-94)), Ice (Austex) (AU), Ice (Alpha Flight, Lunatic Earls), Ice (Amnesty) (PL), Ice (Genestealers), Ice (Strobe) (GB), Ice (Royal, Chaos D-Sign, Maximum (MxM)) (NL), Ice (Dromex) (DE), Ice (Orion (A)), Ice (Rape), Ice (Birra Bros), Ice (Digital Underground, Somewhere In Time/S.w.i.t./Phantasm) (SE), Ice (The Family) (SE), Ice (Ratcat), Ice (Instinct) (NO), Ice (Prophecy, Tarkus Team, Alpha Ceti Six/Ceti Alpha Six) (US), Ice (Teutonics) (DE), Ice (Sapphire), Ice (Amigaze Team) (FI), Ice (Factor 4) (AU), Ice (The Silents, Royal Amiga Force, Vision Factory, Skid Row, Amaze, Somewhere In Time/S.w.i.t./Phantasm) (SE), Ice (Sector 4) (SE), Ice (Amaze) (FI), Ice (Tribe, Unique), Ice (Sphinx (old)), Ice (SE), Ice, Ice (White House Berlin/White House, Latex (Germany)) (DE), Ice (Future Team, Coffin Nails) (HR)
Jobs in Releases
showing 1 matches from 102344 total entries |
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Channel 42 | Demo | 7/88 added 4/96 |
Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of Channel 42 | Category | Author | Year |
Demo | Channel 42 Grafictive - Ice | 7/88 added 4/96 |