Mr. Bluesky (MBS)
Coder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist
- Known as active in 1989-1995
- Country: France
- Known as member of Drifters in 1989-1995, Black Knight in 1989
Jobs in Releases
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Drifters | Intro | cc90 | |
Drifters | Intro | 89 added 5/95 | |
Drifters | Slideshow | a6/92 added 2/99 | |
Drifters | Tool no music | a89 added 3/24 | |
Drifters | Intro | cc90 added 1/15 | |
Drifters & Pentagon | Demo | 2/91 added 10/97 | |
Drifters | Demo | 12/89 added 4/96 | |
Drifters | Packdisk | 94 added 4/13 | |
Drifters | Packdisk | v7/94 added 5/10 | |
Drifters | Demo | 9/90 |
Interviews with Mr. Bluesky
Interview found in | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine interviews - 100% working diskimages | Majic 12 Acropole - Avantage - Cps - ... | a11/91 added 5/94 |
Interview Text
³INTERVIEW CORNER ²---------------- ¹ Today: MR.BLUESKY of the DRIFTERS You surely have heard talkin' of The DRIFTERS. They are one of the less productive team in France but surely not because of their lack of will... They have one of the most intresting coder in the french scene. I don't introduce him here because we're in the same team, but because I think that you should be intrested to know him as we (the DRIFTERS) know him. Discover him now... You won't be sorry !!!... read more
Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of Drifters | Category | Author | Year |
Demo | Drifters Didou - Golden Hell - Kyrom - ... | 12/89 added 4/96 | |
Intro | Drifters Kyrom - Manu - Mr. Bluesky | 8/90 | |
Musicdisk | Drifters Ares - Ken - Kyrom - ... | 11/90 added 2/94 | |
Demo | Drifters Ken - Mr. Bluesky - Outlandos D'Amour | 1/92 added 2/96 | |
Demo AGA Chipset required | Drifters Clary - Golden Hell - Tof | a4/96 | |
Intro | Drifters Amotrax - Golden Hell - Ken - ... | t4/91 added 1/15 |