Coder, Texter, Graphics Artist, Diskmag Editor
Jobs in Releases
showing 1 to 10 of 15 matches from 102173 total entries1 2 |
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Tuc | Diskmagazine | cc3/92 added 11/23 | |
Tuc | Diskmagazine | cc7/92 added 4/24 | |
Tuc | Diskmagazine | cc10/92 added 4/24 | |
X-Trade | 40k Intro AGA Chipset required | 12/96 | |
Energy | Diskmagazine interviews | a12/92 added 5/99 | |
Damian | Diskmagazine interviews | t2/93 added 4/97 | |
Damian | Diskmagazine interviews | t3/93 | |
Damian | Diskmagazine interviews | t6/93 | |
Damian | Diskmagazine interviews | t10/93 | |
Damian | Diskmagazine interviews | t12/93 |
Interviews with Blitter
Interview found in | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine interviews | Abnormalia Cyclon - Macno - Mop - ... | 11/94 added 3/97 |
Interview found in | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine interviews | Narcosis Apex - Axe - Coma - ... | a9/94 added 3/96 |
Interview Text
A n I n t e r v i e w W i t h Blitter/X-Trade by Jedi/Narcosis JD: = Jedi/Narcosis, BL: = Blitter/X-Trade JD: Just to start us off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? (Real name, age, group, etc.) BL: Humpf, why do you start with the most difficult question, eh? However, my real first name is, of coz, BliTTeR and my surname is X-TraDe... What did you think? In the scene I'm called Tom and have been around in... read more