

  • Known as active in 1992
  • Known as member of Adept in 1992
  • Also with this name: Metal (Upfront, Humanoids, Vip Division, Deadline) (DK), Metal (Ecstasy), Metal (Network), Metal, Metal (Destiny) (GB), Metal (Dictators, Gods, Insane, Pirates, Hardcore Design, Teladon, Amaze, Quixotic, Patriots, Antagon, Sence, The Far Side/The Farside BBS, Insanitary, Redline (SE), Damage) (SE), Metal (Parallax, Boomtown) (FI), Metal (Motion, Academy) (NO), Metal (Funzine) (PL), Metal (Decept), Metal (Impact Management), Metal (Banana Dezign, Polaris, The Independents) (HR), Metal (Funbasklova), Metal (Esprit Inc), Metal (FR)

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Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of AdeptCategoryAuthorYear
Argon - Convex - Crash - ...
added 6/98