Inteview with Qwerty

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             I N T E R V I E W   W I T H   Q W E R T Y / S C O P E

                              BY WATTS/DUAL FORMAT

WATTS:   Would  you please tell us all
your handle, name, age, sex and group?

QWERTY:   Well  my handle is very easy
and  it's  QWerty.   My  real  name is
Adrian.   I'm 16 years old now and I'm
a swapper and I think that I'm also an
organizer but not very long.

WATTS:   So  m8 tell us all about your
scene history and when it began?

QWERTY:   I  started  1.5 years ago in
Investation and there I learned how to
swap  and  how to do something for the
scene.   I  have  met  many interested
guys   but   the   group  was  totally

unorganised  and  I  left for Mad Elks
where  I  spent  one  of my best scene
months,  I  think.   But with time the
group  was  growing  and growing and I
decided  that  I can't be here anymore
and  I  joined a group named Tilt, but
only for one week cos their rules were
simply stupid.  I joined Freezers then
and  I was there for about 1 month but
we  have  had  some problems and I and
Lenny  left  Freezers  and  we  formed
Scope where I am now.

WATTS:   How many contacts do you have
as you're well respected for your mail
trading?  The charts show this!

QWERTY:  Yesterday the answer was very
quick  and easy, about 130.  But today
I decided to kick out about half of my
contacts  and  I  have  now only 70-80
contacts.   I think that I have made a
revolution  with  myself.  It's really
hard   to  say  but  I  have  no  more
motivation  for swapping!  I will swap
of  course  but  mostly for friendship
and for fun and not only for new stuff
as I did some months ago.  Maybe it is
surprising  for  someone  but  I can't
spend  the  whole day preparing disks,
letters  and  envelopes!  I would like
to  have  some free time for me and my

WATTS:   What  do  you think of piracy
and the cracking scene?

QWERTY:   Well  I  can't  answer  this
question  cos  I  have  never  thought
about   this.    I  only  know  a  few
cracking   groups  but  I  don't  know
anything  about  cracking, etc.  Sorry
about  this.   I  prefer  to buy legal

WATTS:   Are  you  interested  in  any
other  format  than the Amiga?  If so,
tell us about it!

QWERTY:   No!   I  think,  personally,
that  the  Amiga  is the best computer
for  me  and I know many things on the
Amiga.   I'm  not  interested  in  any
other formats!

WATTS:  In ya whole scene career would
you  say  there  was  anyone who stood
out, made your eyes light up, gave you
a target?

QWERTY:  I don't think so, no.
WATTS:  So you live in POLAND, what is
the night life like?

QWERTY:   Well the young people are in
the  discos  all  the time or in other
clubs  and  the older Poles, well they
watch  TV  or  read  books and nothing

WATTS:  What are your aims in life and
what are you studying at the moment?

QWERTY:   I  have  no aims yet.  It is
bad  for  me and I know this.  Maybe I
would  like  to  be a journalist for a
newspaper    or   TV   station.    I'm
interested  in this.  Nowadays, I'm in
the  second year of gimnasium (liceum)
and  I  hate  school like most pupils!
My  main  subject is English at school
and I must say that I like linguistic.

WATTS:  In your own opinion what would
you  say  was  most  important  in the
scene, friendship or the actual sends?

QWERTY:    I  think  that  friendship.
Some  of  my contacts especially those
who  I  have  kicked out will say that
I'm  wrong that I have never written a
friendship  letter  to them but I have
some  contacts only for friendship and
for  fun.   That's  the only way which
can  help me to be longer on the scene
cos  without  my  all friends I should
end  the  scene  very  quick!  The new
stuff  is also important but only in a
part  of swapper's life!  When you get
more  contacts and when you want to be
in the charts.

WATTS:  What do you think of the modem
scene, which do you prefer?

QWERTY:  I can't say anything about it
cos I'm not into that subject, sorry!

WATTS:   You're  in  a cool crew named
SCOPE!  Which group would you be in if
you were not in SCOPE?

QWERTY:  I don't really know, that's a
hard   question!   Maybe  I  would  be
independent  or I would be in Freezers
longer,  who  knows?   Well  I have no
dream  group  in which I would like to
be.   Scope  is  the  best for me even
though  we have not made anything yet,
but  I'm  told that friendship and fun
is most important!

WATTS:   What  sort  of  music  do you
listen to?

QWERTY:   I  listen  to  all  sorts of
music!   From jazz to techno an so on!
Mainly  I  listen  to loads of modules
coz  I have got about 40 disks full of
nice  modules.   I  listen to "normal"
music  mainly in the car even though I
have not got a driver's license!

WATTS:   Tell  us  what set-up you own
and  what  you  intend  to  buy in the

QWERTY:   I  now  have  an  A1200 with
210mb  hard  disk  and  5.25  external
drive  plus  a  TV  set  and  monitor.
That's  enough  for  me  now.  Maybe I
will  buy  some  fast  ram but I don't
plan   to  buy  anything  new  in  the

WATTS:   On average how long would you
spend on your Amiga in a week?

QWERTY:   Now we have holidays here in
Poland  so  I  spend  an  average of 4
hours.  During the school year I spend
the  whole weekend and during weekdays
only a few seconds.

WATTS:   Do you trade mainly in Poland
or more abroad?

QWERTY:   I  have traded mainly abroad
but now, well I have about 60 contacts
abroad and about 10-20 in Poland.

WATTS:  Do you own a car?

QWERTY:   Yes,  well maybe, not me but
my   father   and  if  I  want  to  go
somewhere  but  not far from home then
he  gives  me  one  of  his.  I have a
Mercedes 190 E and an Audi 80 and Opel
Kadett  1.7 D, yes it's true, cos cars
are  my  father's  buisness.  He has a
big  Auto  Service  and  he also sells
spare  cars.   Two  of  those  which I
wrote above will be sold quickly!

WATTS:    What  would  be  your  ideal
choice of car if money did not matter?

QWERTY:   Well I think that the Toyota
Celica  is the car of my dreams, cos I
love  her  aerodynamic  style,  simply
cool!  I like also my Audi and Porsche
Carerra 2, it's also nice.

WATTS:   Who  would  you  say was your
ideal partner?

QWERTY:   Well  on  the  scene, I have
really  great  partners.  I think that
Norby,Jezo  and  Lenny  are  those who
help  me  and  I try also to help them
and  so  on.  In normal life,well my 2
friends Peter and a girl(!) Anna.
WATTS:   Do  you have a girlfriend and
if so what are her views on the scene?

QWERTY:  It's sad to say but nowadays,
no,  maybe later he he!  Well I have a
very good grilfriend (Anna), she isn't
"my"  girlfriend  (independant he he!)
but  she  knows  something  about  the
scene  but  no  more than some handles
and my 2 friends with who I was at her
home, they are Lenny and Dreamer.

WATTS:  Have you ever been to ENGLAND?
If so when and why?

QWERTY:  No I haven't been.

WATTS:   What is the most embarrassing
moment in your life?

QWERTY:  I have not had it yet.

WATTS:   What  would  you say you will
always remember about the scene as you
go through life?

QWERTY:  I think that I shall remember
the  names of groups which I have been
in  and I should be in contact with my
best  friends  now!!!!   But more?!  I
don't  know,  maybe  some  parties  or
something like that.

WATTS:   Tell  us  all about your pack
DIGITAL REVENGE!  Who designed it etc?

QWERTY:   It  is  a very nice story he
he!  One day I told Jezo (our gfx man)
that  one  group needed the panels for
some  charts.   So  he made the panels
and  when I saw them I told him that's
my  pack!!!  Yes the main gfx is taken
from  the  ex-charts  menu and we have
made  some  changes of course, but the
main  picture  is  the same.  Well the
design?   I think that we have made it
together  with  Jezo  and Lenny even I
have  had  some ideas!  I think that I
will  make  some more issues soon even
though I have kicked out some contacts
and have no motivation.

WATTS:    Well   my   friend  this  is
probably  a basic interview to you but
if   you  would  like  to  comment  on
anything else please do........


Sorry to all of my contacts who I have
kicked  out!   Of course I will try to
give  some  to  my  friends maybe they
would like to swap with you.  The main
reason  for kicking was the big amount
of  time  spending each day on writing
letters  etc.   I greet all my friends
and  especialy  Anna,  Norby, English,
Jezo and others...

Thank   you   Watts   for   the   nice

