Inteview with Parson

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downloadFourth Dimension 3Diskmagazine
Bimbex - Dr. No - Eko - ...
added 8/94
Interview with DCS

4D : Group name....                           PARSON: Look above (FRG)
DCS: DCS                                      PATRICK: Code, crack, trainermaker
4D : Your name  (Computer and maybe if   
     you want your personal name!)....   4D : When did you join the scene?
DCS: Parson or The Master Of Sex (HA!)   DCS: Last year at the CEBIT'89
4D : Your job(s) in this group?          4D : Is this your first group?
DCS: Organisation,   Swap,  Editor  of   DCS: Yes, DCS is my very first group.
     Stolen Data, musix...               
                                         4D : Do you have any special friends in
4D : How long have you been in DCS?           the business?
DCS: I think I'm a member of DCS since   DCS: Oh yes, they are (in no order):
     seven months!                            Blackstar  of  CRB,  Irata of RSI, 
                                              Mark of Subway, Coke & Dark of RSI
4D : Who are the other members of DCS,        Tony & Kent of Flash Prod.,  Espen
     and what are their jobs?                 of CRB, Andy of Tristar,  Selem of
DCS: The members are:                         Quartex, Kreator of Anarchy Uk.
     MIK: Swap, Originals, crack (UK)    
     HENDY: Swap, crack (UK)             4D : Have you any  enemies or dudes you 
     STEVE: Musix, body guard (FRG)           don't like?
     NOSAH: Ex. editor of  S*D,  Swap,   DCS: Yes,  I  hate all SUPREME members,
            organisation (UK)                 Thomas of Tarkus-Team!

4D : Which  group  would  you  like to        favourites? 
     join if you could?                  DCS: PAPER MAG: Sys4/Subway, S*D/DCS
DCS: Hmm, I think DCS is very cool but        DISKMAG: 4th. Dimension, S*D, CJ,
     my dream groups  are  Red Sector,                 News On Tour!
     Scoopex and Cryptoburners.          
                                         4D : Who is, in your opinion, the best
4D : What  are  your  favourite drink,        coder, and why?
     food, movie and demo?               DCS: I think  the  best coder is DELTA,
DCS: DRINK: Vodka, Cola, Apfelkorn.           because he made  very cool codes &
     FOOD: Pizza,   Hamburger,  Døner,        routines and he produced very cool
           Pommes.                            demos.
     MOVIE: Die  Nackte  Kanone   (The
            Naked Gun? - Ed)             4D : Who is the best or coolest dude in
     DEMO: Mental Hangover (Scoopex)          the scene?
                                         DCS: The coolest persons are  Blackstar
4D : Who is the  best  demo,  cracker,        Of CRB (Gee, thanx - Ed),  Steve &
     spreader and importer group?             Mosah of DCS, Coke & Dark of RSI..
DCS: DEMO GROUP: RSI,   Scoopex,  CRB,
                 Fairlight,Vision.       4D : What is the best copy party you've
     CRACKER GROUP: Paradox,   Defjam/        every visited, and why? 
                    CCS/ACC, DCS, VF.    DCS: The best and coolest  party I ever
     SPREADER: Top Swap, RSI, Flash P.        visit was the big  Bamiga party in
     IMPORTER: Paradox, RSI, VF!              Nistelrode /Holland  because  many
                                              famous groups arrived there and we
4D : What paper and disk-mags are your        all had lots of FUN!!!

4D : What is your  opinion  about copy   DCS: Very  cool  to  play with but they
     parties?                                 destroy friendship!!!
DCS: I love them  because  I get stuff
     there  and  I get to meet some of   4D : What is the best game on Amiga?
     my friends!                         DCS: Well,  I love to play TURRICAN and
                                              DRAGONS LAIR!
4D : Describe a typical loser/lamer!     
DCS: A typical lamer  looks like a guy   4D : What do you think about the post?
     from THE SPECIAL BROTHERS  and he   DCS: Bah, I hate these losers. They are
     buys  cracks  from SUPREME and is        so fucking LAME!
     proud to know THOMAS/TARKUS TEAM!
                                         4D : Who is your dream girl?
4D : How old are you?                    DCS: My dream girls  are ANDREA HARMS &
DCS: I am 17 years old, 18 in November        BRIGITTE NIELSEN!
4D : Do you like  sex movies (pornos)?   4D : Do you have a personal slogan?
     Why/Why not?                        DCS: Yes, my personal slogan is: TRY IT
DCS: Bah, I don't like pornos coz they        & GET IT and DCS, We are not good,
     are so lame.I love fucking German        We are not fast, we are MIGHTY!!!
     girls myself (Yeah!)                     Cool slogan, eh?
4D : Do you have a girlfriend?           4D : What do you think about the Amiga
DCS: Oh yes!! (Babsi, Andrea, Katja..)        scene?
                                         DCS: Very cool,  but  disk mags kill my
4D : What do you think about modems?          brain and  friendship will die!!?!

4D : If you wasn't a human being, what   DCS: My hobbies are  football,  fucking
     would you prefer to be?                  girls,  dancing  in a disco and on
DCS: Well, I would want to be a dildo!        copy parties,  my Amiga,  my paper
                                              mag, writing long letters....
4D : If you were  deserted on a lonely   
     island,  which  3 items would you   4D : Do you want to greet anyone?
     like to have there?                 DCS: Yes,  I  want  to  greet  my  best 
DCS: Hm, many girls, an Amiga and 1000        contacts and  friends in no order:
     condoms!!!                               RED SECTOR, CRB, FLASH PRODUCTIONS
                                              TRISTAR,  QUARTEX, ABAKUS, SUBWAY,
4D : What are your future plans?              KNICKERS...
DCS: Well, I will make our STOLEN DATA   
     paper mag the number 1 paper mag,   4D : Any last words?
     and maybe I will open a BBS!        DCS: Thanx to NOSAH/DCS for his friend-
                                              ship and to all who helped me with
4D : If you  could  have  any piece of        my paper mag.  Oh,  thanx  for the
     hardware, what would you like?           interview!!!
DCS: A 100 MB  Hard  disk  and a 14400
     US Robotics modem.                  4D : Thanx for the interview.
4D : How is your music taste?            
DCS: Stereo hifi-sky from AIWA (Better   If there are anyone who think they are
     than SONY) (??? - Ed)               worth being interviewed, write to:
4D : Do you have any hobbies?            4D, Box 217, 6801 Førde, Norway!