Inteview with Teacher

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downloadRoyal Information 2Diskmagazine
Royal Amiga Force & Spreadpoint
Dr. Legal - Eku - Hextronix - ...
interview with teacher of skid row

what's your name,age,group,former groups
  function ?

 teacher of skid row . i am 30 years of
 age. other group i have been in were
 scoopex and rebels.  i am a code hacker
 for skid row. i am australian

when was skid row found?

 don't now to much about the history of
 skid row... after world of wonders / 
 paranoimia died, there was a period of 
 inactivity, and then a number of guys 
 formed skid row.

what's your best: coder,musician,sysop/
                  board,group,swapper ?

 coder   ^ slayer / scoopex
 musician^ dr awesom / crusaders
 boards  ^ all skid row boards
 group   ^ skid row of course
 swapper ^ all my contacts he he!!

what do you think about : copyparties
                          movement ^
                          war, paradox

copy parties :we really don't have too
 many copy parties here.  although there
 is an infinity / mystix party this

co^ops :they have their uses.
 movement friendship : it seems a good
 idea , there's too much silly warring 
 that goes on.

lamers :a nessecay part of the scene,
 as long as they don't always ring me 
 ha ha!!

modemtrading :the only way to go. 
 i spend about 3 hours a day on the 
 board in the states

diskmags :i love them, i read them all
 the time
wars :everyone has wars, but they 
 never seem to go too long... isn't that
 right oliver/paradox!!

does your group have any boards?

 we have many board in the states and in

what are the future intentions of your

 skid rows aim is to continu cracking 
 latest and greatest games!

have you anything to say to end this
interview ?

 yes, good day to all those people i 
 swap with, and hey, continue spreading 
 our warez.

ok thanks teacher for this interview

interview done by mace of raf