Inteview with Fxr
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Diskmagazine interviews | Royal Amiga Force & Spreadpoint Dr. Legal - Eku - Hextronix - ... | a3/91 |
interview with fxr/omicron tell us your code^name,function and age. my code^name is f^x^r,my function is swapper and i'm 16 years old. what are your hobbies besides computing? i usually play tennis and sometimes i play golf. what real music do you listen to? i like art of noise,jean^michel jarre,rap music and midnight oil. when did you buy your amiga? i bought it 1.5 years ago. name some cool guys you know? vortex/tdc/raf,ghother/demons,tmb scoopex,flush/p.m.c,barrax euphoria,camelot/theatre,nico,seb and zeus/ex master crew. what is your favourite demo,group and musician? my favourite demo is mental hangover,according to me the best group is kefrens and my special liking go to commando/flash for his music. what are the menbers of your group ? name function black avenger asm coder cobra sysop modem trader dan devil graphic artist eagle graphic artist f^x^r swapper ibex swapper kitcho swapper lenin leader swapper,some gfx max headroom asm coder mr nightmare swapper nergal swapper obi c,asm coder onedin graphic artist pez gfx man sinus asm coder,some gfx stanton music,some asm code technotronic musician the Nibbler asm code,some gfx the Robots pack,some asm code the Wank swapper toto swapper ufo sysop zoolook music swapper what do you usually eat or drink? i usually eat pancakes,waffles with Nutella and crunch. i drink a lot , i like canada dry coca^cola,orangina,7up and oasis apple juice. do you wish to send some specials greetings? yes , i send a special greeting to the thieves because they don't steal my amiga. (hehe!!!!! now they are in a prison ;poor guys!) ok that's it.. thanx fxr/omicron!