Invitation to Slach Party 2

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downloadSlach 2 Party InvitationDemo
Krabob - Tex
added 10/06
 -ø-How to contact the organizeers ?-ø- 
 ... and who are these strange people ? 
         ...FROM OUTER SPACE...         
 the SLACH II is organized by MANKIND   
a fucking demo group that you MUST know!
LUCIS MAGIA a powerfull 3Danim group,   
and OCEANICA a localband of nice people.
the price is:   75 FF on reservation    
(french francs) 100FF on the place.     
send your 75FF to LUCIS MAGIA at:       
°°  ALIEN DESIGN                        
  55,rue Camille Pelletan entree B 2eme 
etage    33150 CENON°° (with your name!)
call us on the phone!:france:0681587681 
not in france? call:33 5 57 77 87 30    
e-mail us at: 
more info?  
       ø THE SLACH PARTY II ø           
will take place at°°LA TESTE DE BUCH°°  
 in france from 21 August 1999 9:00 to  
    24 August 18:00... 24h/24 !!!       
 the building where it happens is named:
     °°LE PARC DES EXPOSITIONS°°        
        (it°s written on it.)           
you can find it at the edge of the town.
°°la teste°° is 50 Km at the south of a 
big town called°BORDEAUX°(like the wine)