Party Review for Vision and Mirage X-Mas Party

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Royal Amiga Force & Spreadpoint
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vision^mirage partyreport

before i start writing this report,i
must tell you that we (raf) don't hate
vision nor mirage (hey guys,nice outfits
you were wearing...).
those stories about us having a war with 
vision aren't true.

we entered the place at 11:15 after
we had been waiting for a quarter of an
hour in the rain (my poor tv was wet!!)
when we entered the place we saw a
complete chaos. we settled and so did
the other party^people and after a while
it became more quiet. there was a big
videoscreen (on which they showed the
best picture ever made on the amiga,
the workbench^hand!!) and some music
was playing quite loud. to make a
x^mas atmosphere the lights were turned

well,since there wasn't much stuff to be
copied (in fact,there was nothing but
own productions,except for a crack of a
game by the jungle command which was
over two years the way,nice
crackintro,legend... hehe) most people
started to walk around a bit and meet
some friends. then wolfman/raf started
to spread the invitation^stickers of the
raf^awacs^pussy party and all raf
members (that were present) helped him.
after some minutes everybody knew who
raf was,'coz the stickers were every^
where (and when i say everywhere,i mean
everywhere!!!) the organisers (yo dijk)
went berserk and asked as to clean the
mess,otherwise we would have to leave..
some raf^dudes did it and after ten
seconds we had cleaned everything (hehe,
there were about 20 raf members...)

then there was the photo. mercure/eoc
1999 had brought along his photocamera
and asked me if he could take a picture.
i said ok,but asked him if he wanted to
photograph all raf members... so the
place was a chaos once again,all raf
members were gathered with the help of
the organisation of the party (thanx
for let me use the microphone!!) but
they were not very happy with it. we
also asked the pussy^holland members
on the photo (since we do a party with
them...) and two photos were taken.
expect some cool demos with the picture
very soon!!!

the rest of the day went along quite
normally,there was now a possibility
to talk to the groups present...
as far as i know,these were the present
groups: level 4 (jpn...hey mate,sorry
i couldn't talk to you... i spotted
you one second and then lost you...),
taipan/timecircle (the best in holland,
better start practising gfx...hehe),
tcc/red sector (visioner),spreadpoint
(acom and the operater of the belgium
spreadpoint board...),vision (all of
them i think),mirage (some of them),
legend (some of them),passion,panic
(flagg and jugger... bottles ahead),
animators (veeeeery coool partydemo),
triumph holland (hey danny,never play
demos older than 1 month anymore...hehe)
dynax (yo harold,only saw you 2 secs
or something like it),alphacrew (yo
harry),end of century (mercure and
pets band... yo you two,coool demo!),
bytebusters (we had the same train
but i lost them i think),powers of pain
(i only saw michel,where were you tsr?),
countach (aren't they formed of spirit
and aeon??? aeon... too lame to be true)
and some other lamers... so you see,
there were no famous guys,only lamers.
there were around 150 people present.

the competitions. aaah,these were
real fun to watch... the organizers
said.. ok people,clap in your hands
when you like the picture... and
you guessed it... nobody clapped...
well,in the gfx^compo were a lot of
piccy's by taipan/timecircle and the
people started to scream: buuuuh!!
then the two raf pictures came,two
logos,one of the first magazine and one
of the second magazine... yeah and
since raf was the biggest group
present we started to scream... cooool,
but the rest of the partyfreaks didn't
like it i think,but who carez... the
winning picture was really cool,it was
done by someone of the anti^msx group.

the music^competitions was even better.
hey you guys... you can't load a picture
in noisetracker...(hehe).. well there
were some reasonable tunes and the
winner was zzzax/taipan/timecircle.

i didn't see the democompetiton
completely. most of the demos went into
guru meditation some times... (absolute
record: the raf^underground demo,it went
in guru 3 times...)
no.1: iraque      / animators
no.2: journey     / end of century 1999
no.3: vectorbirds / panic

i left the party in the middle of the
demo^competition together with acom
of spreadpoint and limit of raf. the
three of us thought the same of the
party:it was quite lame,because there
was no software and the demos/gfx/msx
were also of poor quality (at least
most of them...) message to the
organizers... it's nice to see that
you found the light^switch after 6
hours of searching (hehe)...