Inteview with Jason

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downloadRoyal Information 2Diskmagazine
Royal Amiga Force & Spreadpoint
Dr. Legal - Eku - Hextronix - ...
interview with  energy 

what's your name,age,hardware,group
                           and function?

^jason:   i am 16 years old and a member
          of energy!! i use an atari
          with an amiga,
          a500 with 3 drives and 1 meg.

when was your group founded?

^j. in 1988.

do you have any divisions or boards?

^j. yes! we have a board in germany,ncd
    of energy is the sysop of this cool
    board,call him! if somebody thinks
    he is good enough to join,write to
    me! we need only 'high^quality'
    members. 'averages' stay where you

please tell us something about the his^
                     tory of your group!

^j. don and quaterback founded energy
    austria in 1988. i joined energy
    in 1988 (december,i think...) but
    don and qb stopped working for the
    scene,since they have quite enough
    to do with their jobs. so i and
    stranger try to lead energy.

what do you think about:

          friendship movement

^j. it's ok. but friendship alone can
    sometimes kill a trader. it's easy
    for a coder or cracker to say
    'friendship ^ the only reason for
    living',but i must sell stuff.
    who do you think will pay my stamps
    and telephone bill?
    so: commercial shit ruins the scene.
    friendship alone,too.
    if there's only friendship,the scene
    will have no swappers. no money,no
    swapping (comment by dr.l... try to
    find a good way of cheating post,
    like i do... hehe)

    all we need is a little bit friend^
    ship and a little bit of selling to
    pay our bills (only traders!!) we
    all nedd friendship. without it i
    had already stopped on amiga.


^j. stranger told it allready !


^j. if someone can't survive alone,he
    should try a cooperation.

^j. every group should have a modem
    trader as member. in 1988,you had
    the chance to be the best without
    modem. in 1991 you ill be nothing
    without a modem.

^j. two years ago i said to me that i
    will never use a modem. modems
    destroy the scene...was my opinion.
    today it's happened. mailtrading
    is getting more and more unimportant
    i must go with the time. i started
    to trade with modem allready.

^j. softwarepolice? unimportant. i have
    enough to do with the crime^police
    (joke !!!)

what's your favourite...
coder    ^ slayer               (jason)
gfx      ^ joe         ^scoopex
musician ^ uncle tom
swapper  ^ saigon      ^savage
group    ^             ^paradox
bbs/sysop^ sign o' times !

have you ever had any problems with the

^j. yes,i forgot to switch my lights on
        (poor vespa...)

wanna greet some friends... go ahead !!!

^j. megagreets to all our members and
    to all my contacts !!!

what's your favourite food,drink ?

^j. food:  amiga 3000 with 1^2 drives.
           not too hot.
    drink: cola^beer,whiskey,wodka. and
           some other light drinks !!

do you have anything to say ?

^j. yes! i will stop mail^trading,for i
    am now goinf to trade with modem. so
    i want to say a big goodbye to (most
    of) my (mail) contacts. i will give
    you other hot energy adresses !!!

ok,thanx for your attention stranger and
jason!!! interview (ofcourse) done by
the fucking best (oops...kidding...) !!!