Party Review for Prime Party 1992

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     PRIME `92 

Saturday  the  1st of August, I got up
early  and packed some bags with disks
and  stuff..   Yeah  it  was  time for
another PRIME party!

Who:    As   always   this  party  was
organized  by  the  guys  from Mirage.
They're  the  only  guys  who organize
quality parties in Holland.

Where:  The pary was this time held in
Riel/Holland,  a  little  village near
Tilburg   in   the  southern  part  of

Partyplace:    The  partyplace  was  a
little  hall  from a cafe.  At first I
thought  that it was too small for all
the freaks.  But it wasn't at all, the
place  was  just full at the highlight
of the party.

Party-people:   Some of the guys I can
remember who were  at  the  party are:
Desire,   Alcatraz,  Anarchy,  Origin,
Size,  Damian,  Tech, Fusion, Nemesis,
Crystal, Animators, Zite, Divine, TFA,
The  Hidden,  Gothic,  Adept,  Palace,
Rebels,    Vision,    Sanity,    Axis,
Lunatics, Shade, Freestyle, Tech, TEK,
Legend,   Devils,   Awesome,  Agnostic
Front,  Noxious  and a lot of groups I
can't remember!

Competition:  At 18:30 the competition
started.     There    only    was    a
demo-competition.     That's   because
there   was   too   less  time  for  a
graphics-  and musiccompetition on one
day according to the staff.  The demos
in   the  competition   were  of  less
quality  than  last year's PRIME.  But
this  time  the  right  ones won their
prices.     The    results    of   the
competition are as follows:  1st price
(750  guilders)  went to Animators for
their  'Roll  or Die'-game (very funny
game  with  weelchairs) 2nd price (250
guilders)  went  to  Desire  for their
'Menace'  (kind  of  techno-clip demo)
and  the 3rd price (100 guilders) went
to  Tech  for their '?' (Oops I forgot
the name)
The  rest  of  the  demos  was  really
nothing to be released at a party (Not
all of them of course).

Problems:  At this party there were as
far  as I can remember no big problems
at  all!   This  was  one  of the good
things   of  this  party.   Booze  was
allowed  and  it  was  also allowed to
bring  your  own  food and drinks.  Of
course  you also could buy them at the
party  but they were quite exspensive.
There    was    a   good   sound   and
video-screen.   Of  course there was a
funny  thing too!  A German car parked
outside  was  used  for guys to write,
paint,  draw,  tag  on if they got too
much inspiration.  Good idea!

Conclusion:   Another  PRIME,  another
good  organized  party.   Not  so much
lamers  as  at  the  most  parties  in
Holand.  The only thing that most guys
weren't  too happy about was the price
from  the  food  and  the drinks.  But
after  all  it  was  a good party with
much  and  good releases.  Just what a
party needs!