Poing 3 +1 (Trainer) by Delight

  • Released: 1995-02-16
  • Categorized as: Trainer
  • This release was supplied to us by Alpha One/Delight
in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Delight (Series Publishers)



Contained BBS Info

NamePhoneCountryOperated By
Playground+1 515-232-9011 USA
Undercover+46 (0)8540-23405 SwedenAgressor, Dee (aka Demax), Pitcher

Release Connections

Evolution Tree

Poing 3Game
Paul van der Valk
added 5/15
downloadsPoing 3 +1Trainer
added 5/15


Direct Files



Guru's Dream BBS:
DLT-P3TR.LHA P  86557  02-16-95  Poing 3 (+1) Trainer

Boondocks BBS:
DLT-P3TR.LHA P  87306  02-19-95  pOING 3 (+1) - tRAINEd by MFM/DELIGHT

Death Row BBS:
DLT-P3TR.LHA P 111751  02-19-95         ____ _______________ ____
                                 .------\_  Y  _/_  ______  Y  _/ MFM/DELiGHT
                                 |::::::/  \_/  \|   __)/  \_/  \ -----------
                                 `-AdK-(____|____)   | (____|____)Brings you:
                                 _____ __________`---'/\ _______ __ _______
                                 ____ \\_  _____  )__(__)\_ ____)  | \__.  |
                                 |  |  \|  __)_|  |  \  |/  \_ ||  _  | |  |
                                 |______)_____||______)_(___|  ||  |__| |__|
                                    pOING 3 (+1) - tRAINEd by MFM/DELIGHT

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

       ____ _______________ ____
.------\_  Y  _/_  ______  Y  _/ MFM/DELiGHT
|::::::/  \_/  \|   __)/  \_/  \ -----------
`-AdK-(____|____)   | (____|____)Brings you:
_____ __________`---'/\ _______ __ _______
____ \\_  _____  )__(__)\_ ____)  | \__.  |
|  |  \|  __)_|  |  \  |/  \_ ||  _  | |  |
|______)_____||______)_(___|  ||  |__| |__|
   pOING 3 (+1) - tRAINEd by MFM/DELIGHT


                 _ _____  _____________________  ______
                _ _____ \/ ____\  ____________ \/ ____/
                   /.  \__/  .//\/ ____/  /.  \__/  ./
                  //   //   .//    /     //   //   //
                 /____//   ///____/     /____//____/
                                - OF -____                 _____
    ______________________________   /  _/________________/ ___/_______
    \  ____  _ \  _________\    ./  /  .\   _________/   /  \_____   ./
    /\/   /  ///\/ ____/_  /\/ //__/_ ///\  \__  .//.  __   ./  /   //
   /     /  ////   /    / /    /    /////       ////   /   //  /   //
  /_________//_________/ /_________/.//_____/  .//____/____/  /____/
                                /___/      /___/ [AdK]

                        (÷ MFM/DELiGHT^SKiD ROW ÷)

             t R A I N E d   f O r   y O U r   p L E A S U R e

                             ÷ pOING 3 (+1) ÷

This is a little trainer for Poing3. You'll get a GUI-menu where you can
select unlimites lives or not. You must use the supplied executable to be
able to use the trainer (if you don't start the trainermenu before the main
file, it will probably crash). Just start the game via Workbench with the
supplied script and icon and everything will work just fine. If you got the
Deluxe Paint 5 that is said to be cracked by me, then delete it cause it's
not cracked and it's NOT FROM ME. 

                           MFM/DELIGHT/SKID ROW

Contact Me
InterNet : mfm@cyberspace.org
BBS      : UnderCover (+46-PRiVATE), PlayGround (+1-PRiVATE), etc

    /* This file is protected under the international copyright laws */