
Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Progress (Group)



Release Connections

Evolution Tree

MegArts HockeyGame
downloadMegArts HockeyCrack Intro
no music - No author infos
Capslockman - Cody - Cujo - ...
added 2/11


Direct Files



Death Row BBS:
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 436209  11-15-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·
PGS-MAH.NFO  P  12814  11-15-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·

Guru's Dream BBS:
PGS-MAH.NFO  N  12814  11-15-95  Megarts Hockey (Megarts) AGA/ECS - NFO
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 436209  11-15-95  Megarts Hockey (Megarts) AGA/ECS - 1/1
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 432119  06-09-96   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·

Cement City BBSL
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 437833  11-15-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·
PGS-MAH.NFO  P   7867  11-15-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·

The Fortress BBS:
PGS-MAH.NFO  P  11575  11-15-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!] · 
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] · 
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 435633  11-15-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] · 
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] · 
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 434975  06-08-96   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] · 
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] · 

Boondocks BBS:
PGS-MAH.NFO  N  14278  11-15-95  Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!]
                                 Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS]
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 432119  11-15-95  Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1]
                                 Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS]
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 437833  06-07-96  Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1]
                                 Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS]

Northern Palace BBS:
PGS-MAH.DMS  P 434135  11-25-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·
PGS-MAH.NFO  P  15939  11-25-95   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·
PGS-MAH.DMS    436907  06-xx-96   ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] ·
                                  ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

    _________  ___/\_____________________
   /  _  ) _ \/ _ \  __) _ \  __/ __) ___)
 _/  ___/    \_ |  \(  \   \_ _)___ \__  \_
 |    |cU!_|__/____/_   \|__/___/___/     |
 ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts        [1/1] ·
 ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·


    _________  ___/\_____________________
   /  _  ) _ \/ _ \  __) _ \  __/ __) ___)
 _/  ___/    \_ |  \(  \   \_ _)___ \__  \_
 |    |cU!_|__/____/_   \|__/___/___/     |
 ·Megarts Hockey (c) Megarts      [iNFO!] ·
 ·[Final Sales Version]         [AGA-ECS] ·

    \  ___    \  ______  __   \_  ______\  _____\  ______\    _____/  _____/
    /\/  /    /\/  /  /\/ /   /   \___  /\/  /  /\/____/ /\___   /\___   /
   /    /____/    /  /   /   /     /   /    /  /   /   //   /   /   /   /
  /____/    /____/  /_______/_____/   /____/  /_______//_______/_______/´95
  ::::.                          /___/                                .::::
 ::::                                                                   ::::
 `                                                                         ´
 !  GAMENAME     :Megarts Hockey                                           !
 |  FROM         :Megarts                     Release Note:                |
 |  STATUS       :Final Sales Version          A game worth using is       |
 |  RELEASE DATE :14.11.95                     worth buying - too keep     |
 :  LANGUAGE     :English                      our sweet system alive !    :
 |  GAMETYPE     :Sport Simulation                                         |
 .  PROTECTiON   :MFM                                                      .
 :  CRACKED BY   :The Enemy                                                :
 |  SUPPLiED     :Capslockman,Cody,Cujo & Malcom                           |
 .                                                                         .
 .                 PROGRESS - FORWARD EVER BACKWARD NEVER                  .
 |                                                                         |
 |                pROgResS iS stiLL sEaRcHinG 4 sUM meMbErs... :)          |
 |                                                                         |

                               CALL THIS  
                    (_ _  \ _/_ \  \ _/ _ \  _ \  _ \
                   cµ! ___/ ! | ( | \! ___/\_ \/\_ \/
                   .\  _!:__;\__/\  /:___/____/____/.
                   .=\/=        \__/   \/  =\/=  \/.
                               BOARD`S !
 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |           LIQUID ASSETS       US HQ     +1--ASK-FOR!                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |           WORLD TRADE CENTRE    AHQ     +43-ASK-FOR!                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |           SECRET-CINEMA         BHQ     +32-ASK-FOR!                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |           TRADER`S~WORLD        EHQ     +49-ASK-FOR!                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |           DREAM PARK            GHQ     +49-ASK-FOR!                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |           ULTRA-WORLD         UK-HQ     +44-ASK-FOR!                   |

Text Inside this Production

   pROgREsS rELeASEd oN 14.11.95   

 MEGARTS HOCKEY AGA & ECS    1995 Megarts   Cracked By The Enemy !    

SUPPLIER: Capslockman,Cody,Cujo & Malcom