Coder, Texter, Graphics Artist
Jobs in Releases
showing 1 to 10 of 16 matches from 102492 total entries1 2 |
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Powerlords | Intro | a11/89 added 10/97 | |
Powerlords | Intro | 11/89 added 3/12 | |
Powerlords | Intro no music | cc90 added 2/18 | |
Powerlords | Tool no screenshot - no music | 90 added 1/12 | |
Powerlords | Tool no screenshot - no music | 90 added 1/12 | |
Powerlords | Tool no screenshot - no music | 90 added 1/12 | |
Powerlords | Demo | 89 added 1/12 | |
Powerlords | Intro | cc90 added 5/18 | |
Powerlords | Intro | 12/89 added 4/12 | |
Powerlords | Tool no screenshot - no music | 1/90 added 1/12 |
Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of The Powerlords | Category | Author | Year |
Demo Bob Records | Powerlords Bev - Empire - Reaper | 89 | |
Musicdisk | Powerlords Bev - Brains - Byteglide X - ... | 90 | |
Intro no music | Powerlords Reaper | cc90 added 2/18 |
As Member of Equinox | Category | Author | Year |
Intro | Equinox Inquisitor - Nzo - Opus - ... | t6/91 added 4/06 |