
Modem Trader

  • Known as active in 1991
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Known as member of Pirates in 1991
  • Also with this name: Smash, Smash (Poorsoft, Blade (Finland)) (FI), Smash (Rebels, Dual Crew, Addonic, Dual Crew-Shining/DCS, Exort, Amaze, Platin) (DE), Smash (Trilogy) (DK), Smash (Analog, Arise, Atomic, Cyborx, Chaos (DE)) (DE), Smash (Digital Force International) (CH), Smash (Acume) (DE), Smash (GDC) (PL), Smash (Amacon), Smash (Usx), Smash (Vectron), Smash (Crystal Shade) (ES)

Jobs in Releases

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no matches in 102258 total entries