
Graphics Artist

  • Known as active in 1995
  • Known as member of Amacon in 1995
  • Also with this name: Smash, Smash (Poorsoft, Blade (Finland)) (FI), Smash (Rebels, Dual Crew, Addonic, Dual Crew-Shining/DCS, Exort, Amaze, Platin) (DE), Smash (Trilogy) (DK), Smash (Analog, Arise, Atomic, Cyborx, Chaos (DE)) (DE), Smash (Digital Force International) (CH), Smash (Acume) (DE), Smash (GDC) (PL), Smash (Usx), Smash (Vectron), Smash (Crystal Shade) (ES), Smash (Pirates) (NL)

Jobs in Releases

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showing 1 matches from 102252 total entries
Title Group Category Year
downloadMission Impossible
on Assembly 1995

Job: Graphics
40k Intro
AGA Chipset required