
Charles Deenen
Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist

  • Known as active in 1990-1993
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Known as member of Maniacs Of Noise in 1990-1993

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Interviews with Charles Deenen

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downloadZine 7Diskmagazine
Action - Amicom - Apache - ...
added 5/94

Interview Text

Charles Deenen of MANIACS OF NOISE (MON) was interviewed by Chester and Orlando of BRAINSTORM. 
At first what is 'Maniacs of Noise'? Is it a kind of group? 
Yes, and No, MON is/was the company- and trade-name which we used in dealing with software-companies and development teames. Afterwards we extended our business and started doing Video-Promotion work under that name as well. Lately, I'm using this name doing record-song-productions. 

Tell us a little bit about the past. You were on the C-
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