
Texter, Swapper, ASCII Artist

Jobs in Releases

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Interviews with Cyborg

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadDeadlock 08Diskmagazine
Alan M. Parry - Axe - Bob Martin - ...
added 4/96

Interview Text

                         J e d i   i n t e r v i e w s

Cyborg/Lard Design

 JD = Jedi/Narcosis
 CB = Cyborg/Lard Design

 JD: Righty-ho, firstly tell us a bit about yourself.

 CB: Well, I've been on the  scene  about  6  months now, I have made plenty of
     friends worldwide and intend to make many more.

 JD: How did you get into Lard?

 CB: I wrote to Mentor and sent  him  some of my ASCII art plus some new warez.
     He replied within a couple of days and told me I was in.
 JD: Wh
... read more

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of Lard DesignCategoryAuthorYear
downloadIntro TechIntro
Lard Design
Freeman - Mentor - Raider
upd. 6/24
downloadDisk Illusions BBSIntro
Lard Design
Freeman - Partz - Raider - ...
added 8/09
As Member of End Of Century 1999CategoryAuthorYear
downloadViolent Desire Pack 1Packdisk
End Of Century 1999
Brutus - Chaos
added 3/17