Inteview with Wolfman

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Interview with Wolfman
                        A n  I n t e r v i e w   w i t h 


by Curt Cool/Depth

 Curt cool: Hi Wolfie!

 Wolfman:   Hello!

 Curt Cool: First  let  us  get  over  the  standards..present  yourself  (real
            name/age/family etc.)

 Wolfman:   Hello everyone! My  real  name  is  William  Henrik Olesen,  I'm 20
            years old and I am the  only  child  of  my parents.. I live in the
            suburbs of Denmark's capital,  Copenhagen.  A comfortable 15 minute
            drive on bike to be in the centre this wonderful city...

 Curt Cool: What are your favourite demos/gfx'er/coder/musician etc.?: 

 Wolfman:   Demos - Nexus 7 from Andromeda
                Graphician - Eeeer... Ra perhaps? Dunno really!
                Coder - I guess Jekyll  &  Hyde  are  quite  cool, but Chaos is
                Editor etc - Macno, the god

 Curt Cool: And now for the scene questions...

 Curt Cool: You are the editor of  the  famous  mag Upstream,  and have been in
            the editors' hot seat for a long time now; why not tell the readers
            about Upstream, how it is made, how Upstream got where it is today,
            your views on  journalism etc.

 Wolfman:   Yes why not? Well, as  you  rightfully stated  I've been the editor
            of Upstream for a long time, perhaps  a  bit too long by now. There
            was a time I just didn't understand the great delays all the bigger
            mags had (at the time I  was  running  Magbox) and why the main eds
            weren't motivated...

 Wolfman cont'd:
            I must say that  I  fully  understand  a  guy  like  Helmet who has
            released 7 more or less brilliant  issues  of R.A.W... He has other
            things to do now. Not a lot of  friends in the scene which means he
            really doesn't  get  the  neccesary  inputs  you  need  as  a  main

            Anyway, I feel I've been  in  a  period  of  some kind of    scene-
            depression. Nothing about the  scene  has  really interested    me,
            for no   particular  reason,  but  anyway  to  get  to the question
            you really   asked me... How  Upstream  is  made?  To cut it short,
            Mount and I get   inputs  (ideas)  we  write articles, some editors
            write articles, we put the mag together...
 Curt Cool: And what do you think  of  standard articles like AMIGA vs. PC,  we
            do/don't need swappers, racism in the scene etc.?

 Wolfman:   These kind of articles or the subjects are brilliant examples  of a
            pretty boring part of the mag-scene.

 Wolfman cont'd:
            With a huge amount of  articles  about  these  subjects where a lot
            of people  discuss  about  all  kinds  of  topics,  especially  the
            mentioned, it's no big  deal  for  mag-editors with no self-respect
            to put together a mag, or should we perhaps call it a mailbox.

            I'm bored to death with these topics, but mostly because of the way
            the topics are being treated. Nobody  seems  to be able to find new
            angles on these stories  and  some  people pretending to be editors
            simply writes on and on about their  opinion... I think/he is/but I
            am/so fuck that/I don't care etc.

            The worst subject of them all must  be the Amiga vs. PC topic which
            I find so utterly foolish... The  Amiga  might be a better computer
            than the PC (or so it  was  once,  things are changing...), but the
            programs available for the PC  are  MILES  ahead  of the Amiga. You
            know why? Because our own favourite  Commodore people FUCKED UP BIG
            TIME!!!!! Let's hope that  some  wiser  people  can  take over this
            truly screwed company and make something of it.

 Curt Cool: Even though you are respected as a kind of an inventor of new areas
            that the scene can  discuss,  you  have  sometimes  been accused of
            using  quite cheap journalistic methods. Defend yourself!

 Wolfman:   Cheap journalistic  methods...  Interesting  term  used  by a scene
            hardly knowing the meaning of the  word... How many mags in today's
            scene are actually treating  things  journalistic?  Two or three at
            the most... The term "cheap  journalistic  methods" is a word which
            would probably lead most peoples minds  to the infamous "Heatbeat -
            A racist!" Article in  Upstream  #7.  This  article  was based on a
            piece of  information  which  I  never  actually  managed  to  have
            verified in  time  (Heatbeat  is  not  an  easy  person  to reach).

            However, in an amazing article in  R.A.W #7, Heatbeat really showed
            his opinions and at  the  same  time  gave  me  fuckings and kindly
            informed me that he  was  a  racist  which  was  none of my fucking

            Okay, fine! Perhaps it ain't.  Actually  it's not really the scenes
            business if the dear Heatbeat  is  racist,  but  the line goes like
            this in the journalistic business "If  you  don't want to be in the
            paper, don't pull down your pants!".                          {
 Wolfman cont'd:
            Basically that means that if Heatbeat didn't think that him being a
            racist was  the scenes business he  should have kept quiet, instead
            of calling a closer friend of mine a "Jewish pig" during a chat via

            In addition to this whole affair which  lately saw the light of day
            in R.A.W #7, I would like to say that I greatly respect Heatbeat as
            person with great musical  intelligence.  As  for  the  rest of his
            personality.... Cough, splutter, aaargh!!!

            To get back to the term  "cheap journalistic methods", I would like
            to make my own  definition  of  the  term.  Today many journalists,
            particularly in the  tabloid-press,  tend  to deliberately misquote
            people in order to make  a  given  story  more interesting. THAT is
            what I would call cheap journalistic  methods,  and I would like to
            point out that I've never done ANYTHING like THAT!

 Curt Cool: What is your view of  the  scene  today compared to the one in e.g.
            1990 where you started?


 Wolfman:   I didn't really  start  as  early  as  in  1990...  Well, late 1990
            perhaps Sigh! This is really an impossible question to answer... My
            position back then was  just  a  little  kid  doing  his own music-
            collections which was mega-spread to as  much  as 10 persons in the
            local computer-club... Today, the  name  Wolfman  is  perhaps a bit
            more known to the public, so  in  that  way the scene has changed a
            lot for me...

            Otherwise just the natural things.  Demos  have got better, parties
            have got better, but of  course  a  lot  of  people thinks that the
            scene itself has got worse. Might  be, but it's most likely peoples
            attitude which have changed to the  worse. All the newcomers saying
            that the scene is not so good is just following the trend.

 Curt Cool: What  do  you  think  will  happen  to  the  AMIGA-scene  with the
            Commodore/Escom situation these days???  Is  there  a future on the
            PC (suxx!)???


 Wolfman:   I have NO idea of what's  going to happen with Commodore, the Amiga
            or whatever... With no  Amigas  being  sold  there's no-one to take
            over the scene for the  next  generation  and the scene will simply
            get smaller and smaller... Probably  there  is  a  future on the PC
            'cause it's much less dependant on  a  bunch  of fools with no idea
            of how to sell a brilliant computer like the Amiga....

 Curt Cool: Would you buy a PC, if you had the cash?

 Wolfman:   Yes, definitely! 

 Curt Cool: What do you think of the following mags???
            RAW/ROM/Buzz/Grapevine/The Charts/Disc/Abnormalia/Deadlock

 Wolfman:   Raw revolutionized the mag scene,  but  issue  7 was just  like any
            other average mag... Let's see what Astro can do. 

            Rom seems to be quite  pro  about  their  work, but they still miss

            Buzz..Well, it's there.{
 Wolfman cont'd:
            Grapevine..Haven't had the time read it... 

            The Charts..Nice with creative  forces  on the chart-front... Their
            mag-part is getting better and better! 

            Disc..It's there as well.  With  a  lot  of  articles  saying a lot
            about a lot of less interesting things.... Simply average.

            Abnormalia..YES!!!! Abnormalia is simply  THE  mag which have dared
            to do things entirely differently. I LOVE IT!

            Deadlock..Eeer, can't say I remember to  much  of it. But the stuff
            I've seen of it seems okay. (Outspan - Good Answer!)

 Curt Cool:  What  are  your  comments  to  these  scene  celebrities  (or  not

 Wolfman:   Mop/Essence..Great language creativity! But  needs to limit himself
            a bit if he wants people to read his articles to the end...

 Wolfman cont'd:
            Chaos/Sanity..Great coder, great  manipulator.  Says  what he feels
            like and doesn't really give a DAMN! 

            Dr. Skull/Virtual Dreams..He codes what can't be coded!


            Norby/TRSI..Eager beaver, hehe! I  wish  I  had the same enthusiasm
            which he is possession of, great guy!

            Di33y/CNCD..This  guy  knows   a   lot   of   things   about  music

            Heatbeat/CNCD..This  guy  known  a   lot   about   music,  but  his
            personality seems to belong in the stone-age! Ugh ugh!

            Lizardking/Razor 1911..VERY long  hair...  Easy recognisable music,
            but is brilliant with melodies and harmonies...

            Jugi/Complex.."I burned my  throat!"...  My  favourite  Fin... He's
 Wolfman cont'd:

            Lord Helmet/Spaceballs..A  guy  which  I  certainly  enjoy meeting.
            He's one of the few  editors  I've  met  who really understands the

            Colorbird/Razor 1911..Hour-long  chats  on  parties  have  made  me
            quite acquainted with this sympathetic Swede.

            Curmudgeon/Depth..Blegfede kaffer! My very best friend!

            Airwalk/Polka  Brothers..Knows  how  to   make   the  best  of  his
            abilities... I wish there were more coders of his kind..

            ME..Interesting guy! Has the amazing  capability to make more noise
            than an entire rock-concert!

            Ye average scene-dude..Get a life! (Outspan - Hmm)


 Curt Cool: Have you got any  ideas  why  the parties  (The Party IV, Gathering
            '95) haven't been quite the successes  they could have been?

 Wolfman:   I find your  opinion  about  The  Party  IV very interesting.  Just
            because your module wasn't included in the competition doesn't mean
            that the party was any  worse  (perhaps  it made it better...;-)... 

            Anyway, as for the Gathering'94  I'm  not  quite  able to point out
            anything special which made the party  become  a bit of a flop. The
            business about the tent could have  happened to anyone bumping into
            a bunch of dishonest hall-owners.

            I can't blame the organizers  for   that,  they could do NOTHING to
            prevent it. I  took  the  tent-  sleeping  as  an experience... The
            prizes in the competition bother me a lot more.. Simply ridiculous.
            I don't understand how the organizers would dare to give such lousy

 Wolfman cont'd:
            The organizers of the bigger  parties  have  been  on the wagon for
            some time now, and a  lot  of  them  (The organizers of TG '94/'95)
            have lost touch with the  scene  and  are  often not quite aware of
            what people really wants.

            And will Balance release any  new productions soon? (Upstream could
            do with some new code:)

 Wolfman:   No Comment here ???

 T h e   p e r s o n a l   p a r t   o f   t h e   i n t e r v i e w :

 Curt Cool: Is your room messy?

 Wolfman:   Yes and no! I will give  you an interesting description of the area
            around my bed. On the bed-table  I  have my Marantz CD-43 CD-player
            the newest edition of Newsweek.... On  the  wall a poster of a cute
            Cindy Crawford, two more posters from  Hennes  & Mauritz and in the
            ceiling a "Sting - Ten Summoner's Tales" banner.          {
 Wolfman cont'd:
            When I have cleaned my roomed  it's  not messy... Two days after it
            looks like Oklahoma.

 Curt Cool: Some "rumours" has been  going  round  that you like smoking grass,
            could there be any truth in this???  And if "yes", with who???  (Do
            not say the readers do  not  get  any  inside knowledge about scene

 Wolfman:   Rumours!? I thought this was  just average knowledge  to the common

            Oh well, it's been some time since by now, 2 months ago actually...
            Been taking a break to see how  I  feel not being stoned... I think
            I'll get stoned again soon enough...

 Curt Cool: Why not get drunk instead?

 Wolfman:   I do that too, been  doing  it  a  bit  more often for the past two
            months, it's really a laugh!


 Curt Cool: And how was your trip to (or should I write "at") The Party IV?

 Wolfman:   I don't quite recall... Huhuhu!  Oh  well,  it was simply GREAT!  I
            was really amazed to see what a  stoned scene we've actually got. I
            was smoking in a tunnel together  with Curmudgeon and every time we
            were there, we met people who  smoked  hash  as well. We even met a
            guy who sold hash and who  had  brought  quite a deal. CHRIST, that
            was wild! Greetings to all the stoned guys of The Party 4.

 Curt Cool: Who would you most like to be, if you were not you???

 Wolfman:   Bill Clinton.. He might  not  have  the most attractive wife (She's
            damn smart though), but just  imagine  to  be  the president of The
            United States! So much POWER! I  could  probably  get a kick out of

 Curt Cool: What books do you read?

 Wolfman:   When it comes to fiction I  mostly read Tom Clancy  (Author behind:
            Hunt For Red October, Patriot  Games  and  Clear & Present Danger),
            but of course there's Stephen King.                         {
 Wolfman cont'd:
            I also read  poems  to  a  certain  extend,  mostly Danish (Michael
            Strunge)  stuff  though.  I  also   enjoy  reading  philosophy  and
            psychology, especially Freud. I believe a  lot of sceners would get
            a kick out of reading his sexual theories, heavy stuff.

 Curt Cool: Hmmm... Any women in your  life  you  would like to tell the public
            you are madly in love with?

 Wolfman:   KARINA!!!!!! In love with her freakin' plumer!!!!!!

 Curt Cool:  If  you  answered  "yes"  to  the  opposite,  please  explain your
            favourite sexual position! (If "no", well... Pity!) 

 Wolfman:   I would like to  those  lips  of  hers treating my "dearest friend"
            with great care... While staring deep  in her big blue eyes... (Sob

 Curt Cool: And if you could not get THAT particular woman, who then???

 Wolfman:   Aaarh... I guess Claudia Schiffer would do....

 Curt Cool: If there are some  people,  who  after reading this interview,  are
            completely keen to meet you, where can they reach you???  And where
            will you be demo-partying next???

 Wolfman:   Address: William H. Olesen
                     Brønshøjvej 64
                     2700 Brønshøj
                     (I am a LAZY guy, but do TRY)

            If you live in the area of  Copenhagen, I regularly go to Sam's Bar
            or "Det Elektriske Hjørne"...  Mostly  Saturday  night  (And I mean
            NIGHT) Find i øvrigt Rasmus og mig i nærheden af Østerport Station,
            ved vores varmerist. Lige over for Nyboder!

            Demopartying next? Hopefully at  The  south Sealand Demoparty 95...
            No guarantees!

 Curt Cool: Anyone you would like to greet?


 Wolfman:   Yep! Hej Rasmus and all the people I've ever met in the scene, have
            a good one!

 Curt Cool: Any last words?

 Wolfman:   Eeeer...  Last  word  in  my  German  dictionary:  Zynisch, meaning
            cynical. I think  that  pretty  much  describes  what  I'm training
            myself to be!
