Release Review for Omen

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadDeadlock 10Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required - interviews
Anthony - Blade Runner - Bliss - ...
added 5/96
Name: - Omen -   Team: Anathema (Poland) 

 Presentation 40%
 Graphics 30%
 Music and Fx 48%
 Depth 20%
 Overall 32% 

 This Production by Anathema Poland is some  what  poor  and its so bad the end
 part scrolltext jerks on the screen. Greg  told Michael on the phone that this
 project was rushed due to  Steve  Jones  of  Anathema  (Poland) wanted a quick
 release.  My advice to Greg is  to  code  quality  demos and not rubbish, just
 remember your the main dude in Poland, so  with out you Steve Jones  would see
 fuck all on the screen.
 So next time look for  Quality  demos  and  not  a low budget production.. The
 Intro Sequence to This demo  was  good  but  the  design  was poor and its not
 recommended to keep this production in your collection at all.