Release Review for Chip Attack

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadDeadlock 10Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required - interviews
Anthony - Blade Runner - Bliss - ...
added 5/96
 Name: - Chip Attack -  Team: Anathema (United Kingdom) 

 Presentation 76%
 Graphics 80%
 Music And Fx 91%
 Depth 75%
 Overall 84%

 Yet Another Anathema Release in 1995 and  this  time  its by the boys from the
 United Kingdom. This Production  is  a  Non-AGA  product  but  you must have 1
 Megabyte of Chip Ram to run  this  program.  The Graphics are very good indeed
 (Especially the  title  Picture).  The  Title  Music  Produced  By  Michael of 
 Anathema is a dance track which is very good indeed and fits the atmosphere to
 whats happening. There is about  80  chip  Modules  crammed  onto 1 disk (Even
 though the product comes on two disk). {

 The Coding was nice but the coder  should  of  spent more time coding a better
 credits part and a information part as well  but overall I think its a hit and
 shouldn't be missed at all.