Inteview with Darkhawk

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Interview with... Darkhawk/Iris
      Ranger/Ladybird Design

Ranger:   Okay...  at first maybe you
can  tell me something about yourself!
Can you, eh?

Darkhawk:   Yep,  yes,  I'm  a normal
plain  swapper in Iris.  I also code a
bit and am editor in some mags.

Ranger:   Well...  you are a swapper,
so  please  tell  me  now  about  your
swapper's day!  But don't be idiot and
don't write about 10 kb!  he he!

Darkhawk:   Heh..   Oki,  but  what's
there  to  tell, I think it's like any
other  swappers day..  Oki, maybe with
that  difference  that  I  don't go to
school right now, and therefore I have
time  to write longer letters and that
kind  of stuff.  I also code a bit and
write   some   crappy?   articles  for
mags..  But my swapperday...  Well, in
the last two months I have infact only
responded  to  you, and I wish to tell
all  my  73  contacts  that  it's  not
because  I have dropped them that they
don't  get  any reply.  Wait patiently
and  eventually  you'll  get something
nice  from  me  again.   Hmm, yep what
else??  I don't know, so next question

Ranger:    Why   the  hell  you  like
swapping?  Why you don't drop it, eh?

Darkhawk:   Gahh, sometimes I can get
a   little  bored  at  all  the  short
letters I have to respond to, but then
I  get  a  nice long letter and then I
like  it  again.   I don't swap to get
300  contacts  and  a lot of girls (?)
but   because  I  like  long  letters.
Ofcourse  I  also  like the stuff, but
after  2 years of swapping, it doesn't
matter  that  much anymore..  But I'll
not  stop  swapping,  because I really
like it!

Ranger:   Hey...   ever see you a boy
scout?  he he!

Darkhawk:   He,  sure.  I have one in
my  room  to fulfill my sexual lusts..
Nah,  yesterday I played Warlords with
one  of the boyscouts for 9 hours..  I
won  ofcoz!   Hmm, who would ever want
to  be  a  scout  anyway?   Out in the
open,  away  from the computer, making
fire  and  making knots??  Not me, and
not you either I guess..
Ranger:   Hey,  Chrisitain,  don't be
angry  for  me,  but I want give you a
cool  question,  I think!  he he!  You
must  answer  me...   So...   Are  you
happy?  And why?  he he!

Darkhawk:  I have heard that before!!
But  oki,  I'm  still  happy, content,
satisfied,  lucky and so on, because I
own  an  Amiga,  and  am a member in a
wonderfull  group  (Iris  -  The group
with 3 diskmags!!  <-- Advert)!

Ranger:   Busy, busy, Ehh...  well...
carrot, carrot...  Yes, I know...  How
much carrots see you in your life?  he
he!  Nice question, is it?

Darkhawk:   A bit difficult.  I think
I  saw  6  yesterday, but it's hard to
know  how  a  carrot looks when you've
inside  all the time.  And do you mean
whole carrots or also chopped carrots?
Hmm,  let's get a bit more serious, or
we'll loose the last reader...

Ranger:   Okay,  maybe  I'll try give
you  a normal question...  Hmm...  How
much  beers you must drink if you want
driving car?

Darkhawk:   Eh??   As much as I want!
I  can  drive  all  cars no matter how
drunk  I am.  It doesn't matter that I
don't have a drivers license either..

Ranger:   Yes,  yes,  I know, my last
question  isn't  very serious, but you
must  try  understand me, I'm a little
crazy...   Hmm...   sometimes!  he he!
Okay,  fine, here's a new question for
you...  Hurrah!  Ups, sorry...  here's
this  question...   Scene...  what you
think  about  it?
Darkhawk:   Hah,  at  last  a serious
question.   The  scene from a swappers
point  of  view...   Yes, since I have
been   here  since  RSI  Megademo  (it
converted me to the scene), I can tell
you   a   lot  about  the  scene,  and
ofcourse  I like it, then why should I
else use that much time on it?  It has
become  more,  let's  say profesional,
and  it  also  gets  a  lot  of  young
newcomers  these  days.  Much of these
13-14  year  olds become swappers, and
some  fear  that the scene will become
too  childish,  but  I don't think so,
cause  I  know  a  lot  of these young
swappers,  and  they  are ok for sure.

Ranger:   Stop!   Hm...   oki,  let's

Darkhawk continue:  Hmm, oki.  What I
would  like  to  change in the scene??
Hmm,  not  much I guess, I really like
it  the  way  it is.  I only hope that
the  people  entering  the scene today
will  do it with an Amiga and not with
a shitty PC!  PC sucks!!!

Ranger:  What is the weather like?

Darkhawk:    Who   knows,  this  room
hasn't windows..

Ranger:   Heh,  cool  room!  Hey, you
are  a  coder,  am I right?  So please
tell  me  what is this shit...  move.l
#Copper,$dff080, you know?

Darkhawk:   Haha,  very funny..  It's
really  hard,  very hard..  Almost too
hard  (NOT!), but can I satisfy you if
I  say  that  this  is one of the most
common   assemblerwritings?   Ok,  ok,
without   this,   there  would  be  no
copper,  since  it  has  to  be placed
there,  and  without  copper  not much

Ranger:   Your best game, and why you
like it?  he he!

Darkhawk:   Heho,  I have played many
games,  but  the  best  game I've ever
played  is...   Dune I!!  Heh, I think
it's a great athmosphere in this game,
and  the gfx/sfx was also nice when it
got released.  But I really don't like
Dune II..

Ranger:   Hey,  can  you open your...
Hmm....  butt?  he he!

Darkhawk:    I   just   love  serious
questions..  Yep, until now I have had
no  trouble with it, wouldn't be goood
if I had, eh?

Ranger:     Well...    now   standard
question:   Best...   drink, food, day
of  week,  month of year, year in your
life,  pub, girl, car...  okay, plaese
get the answers now...

Darkhawk:  Oki, when I have to drink,
I  favor  Coke  and  Giraf Gold beer..
Favorite food must be Pizza (how could
it     be     different?),    Favorite
Day/Month/Week  is  between  Christmas
and  Newyear,  when  the coolest party
takes  place  here  in  Denmark.  Best
year is 1977 when I was born.  Pub?  I
don't  visit  that  many pubs, this is
not  Poland  you  know!  Favorite girl
is...    Susan  it  must  be,  but  no
further  comment.   Favorite  car  -->
Whatever  car  that  can drive me to a

Ranger:   Ok,  now I will want change
you...  In my opinion best day of week
is  a  trutututu!   he  he!  Would you
like  give me some comments about this
day of week, eh?

Darkhawk:  Trutututu?  Yes, very nice
day.   You  know  I  can say the weeks
days  in  6  different languages but I
have  never  heard  this  one..   Hmm,
could  it  be  that  you are unserious
now, hmmm...

Ranger:   Okay,  we  must finish this
short(?)  interview, but maybe now you
want  tell  something to Buzz readers?
Want you, eh?

Darkhawk:   Umm,  hi..  But are there
anyone  left?   This  must have been a
quite  lame  interview,  since I'm not
Chaos,  Jester  or  Facet..  But hi to
you  all  anyway,  and  if  you're  my
contacts  then I can only say..  Sorry
for  delay!   Those of you who want to
contact  me  can  find  my addy in the
adverts section, but send long letters
to  be  sure  to  get  an  answer!  Or
atleast letters longer than 5 lines!

Ranger:   Okay, thanx a lot Christian
for  your  answers, I hope you enjoyed
my  questions!   And  I  hope  readers
enjoyed this interview!  See Ya!