Invitation to Pearl Easter Party 1994

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downloadUncle Beaver's Summer Camp
aka Pearl Easter Party '94 Invitation
Alchemist - Netrunner - Sniper - ...
              Pearl Presents Uncle Beaver's Summer-Camp Party Text

                          The Pearl 1994 Easter Party!

                              General Information:

                                 Where and When:

                                How to Get There:



                                   Entry Fees:


You've heard the rumours now here is the
  official Invite to  Uncle Beaver's    
              Summer Camp.              
     -The PEARL Easter Conference-      
  A lot of hard work has gone into the  
organization of this PARTY, so help make
    it a success by supporting it.      
  For your convenience there is a File  
 Requestor that allows you to save this 
 text in ASCII format upon exiting this 
 We have chosen the BEST possible venue 
situated in the heart of Adelaide City. 

 As you may have guessed, its in Easter.
 The PARTY starts on Saturday, 2nd April
 at 12.00 Mid-day, and it runs non-stop 
    until 4:30 pm Sunday, 3rd April..   
  It will be held in the Basement level 
    of the Centenial Building of the    
     University of South Australia,     
          North Terrace Campus,         
  which is on the Corner of Frome Road  
   and North Terrace in Adelaide City.  
 The party venue is in the Heart of the 
 city, and a MAXIMUM of 5 minutes to any
night club, restaurant-fast food, casino
     and other entertainment areas..    

  The best entryway to the party-place  
   is through Gate 2 of the campus on   
Frome Road. From there, follow the signs
    which we will put up on the day.    
 On purchasing your pre-paid tickets we 
 will send you a detailed map on how to 
  get there, plus other maps for local  
       entertainment in the City.       
 By special arrangement with us, we can 
  pick your group up from your place of 
arrival..Other accomodation arrangements
   can be made through contacting the   
  offical ticket dealers.. Please note  
that this only applies to those who have
PRE-PAID for their ticket before the day

 The following Facilities are avaliable 
             at the PARTY-              
  A large hall with room for up to 200  
    A 6 ft. X 6 ft. Projector Screen.   
  High Quality Surround Stereo System.  
Video and Laser Disc Players for latest 
   Movies, Computer Animations, etc..   
     Tables and Chairs for everyone.    
A Rec. room with Pool Tables,TV,Seating,
          and vending machines.         
 ..And of course showers and toilets..  
  We would appreciate it if you would   
  supply your own extension cords and   
 power boards... oh, and of course your 
          computers, TVs, etc.          

Of Course, there will be the traditional
          demo competition..            
            Prizes will be:             
            1st Prize: $200             
            2nd Prize: $100             
            3rd Prize: $50              
   These amounts are based on a minmum  
   turnout of 50 people.. Prize money   
  WILL INCREASE with a larger turnout.  
 We have at least 50 People turning up  
     already.. So these will be the     
            MINIMUM amounts!            
               The Rules:               
   Your demo MUST run on an Amiga 500   
 with a 68000 processor running WB 1.3  
   The demo MUST run in a maximum of    
 0.5 MB Chip Mem, 0.5 MB Fake-Fast Mem  
 A representative from your group MUST  
 attend the party, and the demo MUST be 
     coded by an AUSTRALIAN coder..     
   Depending on demand and attendance,  
there MAY be a Graphics, Music and Intro
      PRE-PAID ticket buyers will       
  automatically be entered into a Door  
 competition, where the prize will be   
      drawn on the Saturday Night.      
  A party wouldn't be fun without some  
  events!  The following are a list of  
  SOME of the events you MAY expect at  
               the PARTY:               
On the spot Graphics Competitions:-     
  A theme will be decided on the night  
 by non-participants of the competition.
On the spot Music Competitions:-        
This is undecided.. But samples will be 
made on the night, and the musician will
use them..                              
On the spot Intro Competitions:-        
 This is also undecided.. Rules will be 
 drawn up on the night, with input from 
             the entrants.              
Pool competitions, Arcade Competitions, 
   and more..  Input of ideas will be   
greatly appreciated.. Contact the ticket
  We have the latest Laser-Disc Movies, 
              Visuals, DJs              
 Of course on a large projector screen, 
       any Amiga demo looks good!       
 You haven't heard a mod, unless you've 
          heard it in surround!         
 Other events will be announced on the  

   Tickets can be purchased from the    
          following Addresses-          
Rabbi - Daniel                          
P.O. Box 508                            
St. Agnes   5097                        
Sth. Australia                          
Ph. 08 263 2104                         
                        Alchemist - Dave
                         224 Hancock Rd.
                        Redwood Pk  5097
                          Sth. Australia
        Ph. 08 263 9391. after 6pm. CST.
               The Prices-              
    Pre-Paid tickets are 10 dollars.    
 Included in the price of the ticket is 
your entry fee,receipt,admission ticket,
 detailed maps of party place and city  
 Also included in the price of pre-paid 
tickets is entry to the door competition
 where you can win a prize to the value 
             of 50 dollars.             
      Door Tickets are 15 dollars.      
     - Tickets bought on the day -      
 This only covers entry, no Door Prize! 
 We would encourage you to buy pre-paid 
 tickets to ensure that the PARTY is a  
           complete success!            

   The following restrictions are in    
 place at the party to ensure everyone  
           has a good time.             
   No smoking or drinking in the hall.  
    You can go outside to do this !!    
  No graffiti or vandalsim. People who  
   do so will pay for the damage and    
be kicked out.  Prize money will suffer 
             as a result.               
  We have security on hand 24 hours so  
  trouble makers will be dealt with by  
      them and ultimately the law.      
