Release Review for Total Destruction

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadFourth Dimension 6Diskmagazine
Cryptoburners & Razor 1911 & ...
Blackstar - Bozo - Bug - ...
added 10/94
Demo Corner
Total Destruction by Crionics            release  not  quite  worthy   Crionics'
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  exellent standard, but on overall good.
Again  Crionics  came up  with a rather  
big  release for a  Danish party. Again  Conclusion:
their  release entered the top three in  A  good release  which could  have been
the demo competition. Let's take a look  much, much better with just a few extra
at   this  demo  and  find   out if  it  touches. I especially missed the possi-
deserves it's position.                  bility  to  press  the mouse  button to
                                         skip  a part, all  the waiting made the
The  demo starts  off with  a digitized  demo  more boring than necesseary. They
picture   of  Ayatollah,  and a  sample  could also have used better music, they
crying  'Total Destruction'. Again more  are  obviously  hard-rock fans, but try
loading. The music starts, and in comes  using better samples if you have to use
a  verey  effectful   Crionics  logo in  a guitar...
filled  vectors with  bitplanes dragged  ---------------------------------------
after  it.  The music  tends  to become  Coding: 74%
rather   annoying   as  several  copper  Graphics/Design: 68%
effects are displayed. More loading. An  Music Part I: 58%
intro   appears  for  pt.II, a  colour-  Music Intro to Part II:  59%
cyckling demo with good music. A filled  Music Part II: 72%
vector  cube appears, and again another  Music End Part: 41%
loading section. Then a great,digitized  Originality: 70%
picture    appears,   together   with a  Overall: 70%
vertical   scroller  and some  horrible  ---------------------------------------
music to for the end part. All in all a                  Blackstar/Cryptoburner