Release Review for Megademo 2

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadFourth Dimension 6Diskmagazine
Cryptoburners & Razor 1911 & ...
Blackstar - Bozo - Bug - ...
added 10/94
Demo Corner
       Megademo II by Budbrain           perhaps  the  main part,  Africa. Again
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  they develop the «music-video» concept,
Just when everybody thought that surely  and  with success.  The tune was really
Budbrain must be dead, they reappear at  good, graphics were good, and there was
our  screens with  this production. The  plenty  of action.  After this part, we
big question was: Could they live up to  witnessed   the  trial  and  hanging of
their  previous  success? The answer to  Madonna's  killer, and then the endpart
that  must be a  definite YES! Although  appeared. Not much of an endpart if you
this  demo didn't  occupy more than one  don't  consider the grrreeeat music and
disk,and although having only 3-4 parts  logo, but these are top class!
one  must say that they have brought us  Conclusion: Budbrain did it again. This
even  more brilliance.  The demo starts  demo  is not as good as Megademo I, but
with  a (quite)  nude Madonna  taking a  there  were many  goodies here as well.
shower.  In true Psycho-style, a killer  I really must say that this demo should
cuts  through her shower curtain with a  have  won the Dexion  conference, if my
big knife and hacks her to death in her  opinion  is anything to go by. Although
bathtub.That concludes the introduction  they  don't  offer advanced  code etc.,
and  we enter  a loader.  Not much of a  these  dudes offer something this scene
loader  perhaps,  but with  an exellent  so desperately needs: IDEAS!!! The also
tune playing throughout. After some few  have  a high quality on what they do, I
seconds,  the Preface  part begins, and  hope they will continue to do so in the
here   Budbrain show  us they  are good  future.  This product  cannot be ranked
coders as well,producing filled vectors  normally because of the ideas etc...
and so on. An excellent acid-tune plays  Overall: 85%
throughout.   Following  this  part was                  Blackstar/Cryptoburner