Release Review for Music Dream 1

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downloadFourth Dimension 6Diskmagazine
Cryptoburners & Razor 1911 & ...
Blackstar - Bozo - Bug - ...
added 10/94
Music Dream I by Phenomena   	         MOBFERS:  Features a nice bass-line and
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  a  good saxophone  tune,  but lacks the
Phenomena released the first music disk  chord variation. 67%
in  their serie Music  Dream. This time  BRILLIANCE:  Sounds  somewhat familiar.
Twins  were responsible  for the music.  Uses a bit unorthodox chords instead of
Before  I say anything about the music,  normal  major/minor  chords, but varies
let  me just say that  this disk had an  them too little. 67%
awesome  number of  18 (!) songs on it,  SPEEDOMETER: A quickie, nice chords and
thanx  to Twins' own  Noisepacker. Very  bass,  and good lead voice. Varies with
impressing.  Now,  let's talk about the  a nice slower part. 74%
program.It started with some good music  THROW  A BOMB:  Another  quickie, a bit
playing  while a text  generator intro-  special.  Too many "empty" spaces, much
duced  the  music  disk. Graphics  were  of the songs becomes links. 60%
good  here. There was some loading, and  HOP  HIPPAREN: An attempt to make a hip
a  synthesizer  and  a mixer  appeared.  hop tune, but it doesn't make you wanna
Good  graphics and very effectful. When  dance, i.e it failed. 61%
pressing the left mouse button, a great  SWING  THE PUB: Classic swing bassline,
Batman  picture  appeared together with  creates an athmosphere, but there is so
the  loading menu. So, let's talk about  little variation. Not my style. 60%
the music, shall we?                     DIGITAL  DREAM: Nice,  effectful start.
STARTER:  The opening tune and the best  Very  nice  melody,  and with  a little
song on the disk. Good effects and very  more  athmosphere, this song could have
good melody. 79%                         reached the 80's. 76% 
TERRANO: Starts off pretty weird.Decent  BASS OF POWER: Groovy bass,but too much
melody, but becomes too boring. 62%      of the song is based on it. 62

Demo Corner
TAKE  A  CHANCE: A  standard  song with  a  very good  lead voice  plus the good
"cute" melody,but the lack of variation  use of chords makes song good. 76%
makes it boring. 63%
MARVELLOUS  MAN: I couldn't quite catch  Conclusion:  A nice musicdisk with very
the  melody here. Nice arrangement, but  much music on it, almost too much.Twins
again  the lack of  variation made it a  seem  to  be very  good composers,  but
boring one. The weakest track. 59%       when   working on a  song, they  should
SERIOUS THOUGH: Good beginning,nice but  spend  more time on  variation, because
simple   melody and  much better  chord  their songs rapidly lose interest.There
variation   makes this one  of the best  are,  however,  great  exceptions, like
tracks on the disk. 75%                  the  opening song on this disk which is
BONGOS  REVENGE:  Features jungle drums  really great. They show that they, when
and  a  nice  sax-lead,   but it's  not  taking  their time,  are really good at
varied enough. 64%                       what they do.Come on,you have excellent
THE SEVENTH SEA:Good bassing and decent  basslines,   the beat  suits  the song,
melody. Nothing special though. 63%      your  melody is very good. All you need
THIRD  DIMENSION:  Powerful arrangement  is  a little more inspiration and maybe
and  a nice, quick  beat, but again the  a  little more  work on the  songs. I'm
lack of variation drops points. 66%      looking forward to hear more from you. 
TO  BE CONTINUED: A lovely melody going  ---------------------------------------
over  the same  4 chords  all the time.  Coding: 72%
The   melody is  good,  but that  isn't  Graphics/Design: 78%
enough.... 65%                           Music: 67%
SCREAM FOR HELP: Begins somewhat diffe-  Originality: 72%
rent. Nice selection of instruments and  Overall: 77%             Blackstar/CR