Invitation to Odyssey 1995

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downloadR.O.M. 4Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required
Andy - Cesium - Diesel8 - ...
added 3/97

Odyssey 1995 will be held in Leto-hallen outside Oslo, Norway. The party will start at 9:00 am on the 29th of June (Thursday) and end at around 12:00 pm on the 2nd of July (Sunday).

If you are travelling from abroad, contact us and we will arrange transportation from the airport, ferry or train.


If you are planning to arrange a bus trip to our party, you should contact us for details on entrance fee discounts.

There will be a cinema room, showing movies, 24hrs a day. Big screens will be placed in the hall, on which the competitions will be shown.

The organizers will not take any responsibility for illegal swapping or software piracy, nor for stolen property.

Alcohol, illegal drugs and/or intoxicated people will not be allowed anywhere in the complex. All kind of weapons and fire works are of course not allowed


Contestants in ANY of the main competitions must contact the Information Desk BEFORE the deadline to receive a special envelope and a special information sheet that is to be filled out before entering the product. This information sheet will contain a few questions about your entry.

Products that have been entered in other competitions, and/or have been previously used for commercial purposes, cannot be entered in any of the main competitions.

Media (floppy disks) that contain the product will NOT be returned.

Once a product is entered, it may not be modified further.

Deadlines will be held as far as possible, but we will of course accept products a short while after, if you can provide us with a decent reason for the delay.
The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the competition rules at any time, and to disqualify any entry if it is not suitable to attend the competitions for some reason.

All competitors have to be present at the party place in order to attend the competitions and to receive the possible prizes (or at least one of the authors).

In the graphics and 4kb intro competitions, the competition version of the entry must not display the author's name or group in any way. This is to prevent the author's name from affecting the vote. After the announcement of the results, the versions which are spread can include the author's signature. In the music competitions, we will not show the author's name while we play the song.

In the graphics, music and 4kb intro competitions we will show the name of the song/picture, but only if it will not give hints as to who made it.

The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction once started (although there can be a setup screen). One representative from the authoring group has to be present when the demo/intro is started, to deal with any setup screens.

All intros (4kb, 40kb and 64kb), pictures, songs and demos will be distributed at the party place after the competitions.


The competition machine will be an A4000 with 2 meg of chip RAM and 4 meg of fast RAM.


Maximum size is 4 standard disks.

ALL demos in the final will be shown in full length.

We strongly advise you to make the demo HD installable, and with a system-friendly exit to DOS, in all parts of the demo.

If more than a certain number of demos are entered for the competition, a jury consisting of non competing group members will pick out a portion of the demos for the final.


Maximum size in executable form is 40KB (40960 bytes).

ALL intros in the final will be shown in full length.

We strongly advise you to make a system friendly exit to DOS, in all parts of the intro.

If more than a certain number of intros are entered for the competition, a jury consisting of non competing group members will pick out a portion of the intros for the final.

Only one intro per coder in the group is allowed.


Rules as per the 40KB intro competition. The maximum file size allowed is 4096 bytes.


All pictures will be judged in ONE category only.

Pictures from ANY machine can be entered, and will be displayed on an A4000 or a PC. Please add an appropriate picture viewer if the picture is drawn in a non-standard format (ILMB/IFF, GIF, JPEG).

The maximum resolution allowed is 1024 by 768.

The maximum amount of simultaneous on-screen colours is 32000.

The palette is the standard 16,7 million colour, true colour palette.

Pictures drawn with a PC will be shown with CSHOW, or some other good picture viewer.

Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures will be disqualified.

You must submit a version of the final picture which doesn't have your signature on it. This picture will be shown on the big screen. However, as stated previously, you may enclose a release version that includes your signature, which will be the one we will release after the competition has ended.

If more than a certain number of pictures are entered for the competition, a jury consisting of non competing graphics artists will pick out a portion of the pictures for the final.

Only one contribution per artist is allowed.


All modules will be judged in ONE category only.

Modules from ANY machine can be entered, but the module MUST be playable with the Amiga ProTracker v2.x (MOD).

Maximum size is 880kb (one Amiga disk).

Maximum number of channels is 4.

Entries must be in MOD format. No executables.
Each song will be played for 5 minutes.

If more than a certain number of modules are entered in the competition, a jury consisting of non competing musicians will pick out a portion of the music for the final.

Only one contribution per musician is allowed.


Maximum number of channels is 32.

Maximum size of the song is 1024 kb in a playable format (including all samples, pattern data). No executables.

All songs will be played with PC compatible players using a 1MB Gravis UltraSound.

Each song will be played for 5 minutes.

All formats will be accepted, but if you use a non standard format you must include an appropriate player.

If more than a certain number of songs are entered for the competition, a jury consisting of non competing musicians will pick out a portion of the songs for the final.

Only one contribution per musician.


This is a totally free competition. You may enter the competition with anything from a Z80 to a Silicon Graphics machine. You can use synths or other musical hardware for nice music output, and any graphic card to achieve the best graphical output for your demonstration.

You have to bring your own hardware, machine and equipment. We take no responsibility for any damage caused to your equipment during the party.

ALL entries will be shown in full length.


The actual prizes will be software, hardware or pure cash. This depends on our sponsors and how many people will pay the entrance fee. The following list includes only the preliminary list of the prizes (the final lists will be published at the party place). The prizes are given in Norwegian currency, check transfer rates.

We will try to give cash prizes in the PC and Amiga demo competitions. The prizes in the other competitions may be more or less various hardware and software.

All the cash prizes will be paid in Norwegian currency.

The details of the prizes will be announced at a later date.


In addition to the other competitions, there will be held some other competitions. The competitions will include soccer, disk throwing, and other ones, that will be announced at a later date.


    Full entrance fee: 250 NOK on entry
                       200 NOK in advance
             Visitors:  75 NOK for one day.
Non-Europeans & GIRLS: Free!

If you want to pay in advance, you can do so at (PostGiro slips will also be included in the leaflet);

   PostGiro-account: 0804 4164133
            Address: Odyssey 1995
                     v/Jan Roger Svendsen
                     Paal Bergsvei 26
                     0692 Oslo
Please make sure your full name, address and handle (if any) is clearly shown on the giro.


BBS:        Point X (+47 22 25 39 46)

E-Mail: (Zniper of Nocturnal)
     (Frog Fuzz of Nocturnal)

Phone:      Walker/Nocturnal (+47 22 74 28 76)

Snail-mail: Jan Roger Svendsen
            Paal Bergsvei 26
            0692 Oslo
            (Mark the envelope, Odyssey 1995)