Release Review for Maximum Overdrive

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadFourth Dimension 6Diskmagazine
Cryptoburners & Razor 1911 & ...
Blackstar - Bozo - Bug - ...
added 10/94
The Special Brothers: Maximum Overdrive  It  was ok as  an endpart,  but nothing
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  more. It should be noted that it is the
As I inserted the disk, a rather boring  one-disk version which is reviewed here
loaderscreen  appeared. with some quite  I  have  not seen  nor  heard  anything
uninteresting music. After some loading  about  any other  versions, so I cannot
the  first part  depacked.  That was an  make any judgements about them.
introduction  in true  Star-Wars style,  Conclusion:  A Good  demo/megademo with
with  good sound FX.  After this, there  good code and graphics, and not so very
was more loading and the first mainpart  impressing   music. There  were to some
appeared,a Cebit-clone featuring filled  extent  a  few new  ideas, but  nothing
vectors  and a  text-generator. Ratings  revolutionary.  TSB should be credited,
mainpart   I:  Code: 76%  - Gfx:  70% -  though, for a good production. A little
Music: 78% (4-Mat tune).                 minus,  though,  was the  fact that you
After   exiting this  demo,  (and after  had  to wait for all  the parts to end,
more   loading),  the  second  mainpart  you  couldn't skip  them. That makes it
appeared, called «Vectorworlds», a city  more boring to reload it....
with  trees, houses, a church etc., all  ---------------------------------------
in  filled   vector.  Quite good.  Some  Coding: 80%
decent  music played in the background.  Graphics/Design: 73%
Ratings  mainpart  II: Code: 85% - Gfx:  Music/Sound FX: 68%
79% - Music: 67%.                        Originality: 63%
When  having  finished this  part, some  Overall: 78%
more  loading came  before the end-part  ---------------------------------------
appered. Nothing special about this end                  Blackstar/Cryptoburners
part,  3D-stars and  a vertical scroll