Release Review for System Violation

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadFourth Dimension 6Diskmagazine
Cryptoburners & Razor 1911 & ...
Blackstar - Bozo - Bug - ...
added 10/94
Demo Corner
System Violation by Anarchy              and  at the same time being a very good
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  song.  And NO! It was NOT 4-Mat who did
Anarchy seem to be releasing a new demo  it,  it was NUKE,  and Anarchy, if this
almost every other week now, and here's  guy makes more music of this class, you
one  of them.  This demo  reminded me a  had  better start  using his music more
little  about  Mental  Hangover, but it  often! 
can't  be  considered  as a  clone. The
demo  covered  the entire  disk, and it  Conclusion:  A good demo, featured good
occasionally  loaded  some effects. The  graphics,  code and  music. An annoying
effects  included  vector balls (rather  factor  was the fact that one could not
big),  a nice  vector bob  scroll, some  press   the  mouse  button  to  skip an
filled vectors (not much, not very good  effect, a small ÷ for that.
either), bobflags, "bouncing stars" (an  ---------------------------------------
effect where some stars had been shaped  Coding: 87%
like  a ball  and were  bouncing on the  Graphics/Design: 79%
screen, not too complicated, but indeed  Music/Sound FX: 87%
very  nice to  look at), a  lot of cool  Originality: 76%
(and  I  mean COOL)  3D  starfields. It  Overall: 86%
should   also be  mentioned  the rather  ---------------------------------------
sweet  lemming  appearing on the screen                [Blackstar/Cryptoburners]
in  one stage of the demo, but this you
should  experience  by  yourself. Now I
want  to say something  about the music   
in  this demo. This  piece of music was   
EXCELLENT,   superbly fitting  the dem