Invitation to Live Act Castle Conference 92

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             C a s t l e

       C o n f e r e n c e '92

     organized by  L i v e A c t

             TO  HUNGARY

     in Boldogkovaralja, HUNGARY
       on 7-8-9 of August 1992

   A small country where everybody
               is free.
      And feel for a good party,
             feel it too.

Yep,  It's  party time again!  And you
can't say:  oh no!  another s..t, just
have a look for the partyplace.

The   show   will  open  at  8:00  7th
(Friday)  of  August 1992 and close at
18:00 9th (Sunday).

Maybe  you are fed up with partyplaces
in  schools...   etc.   We bring you a
good  chance,  where you can enjoy the
fun  better  than  ever and one of the
best,  what  we  can  assure  for you.
This  place  is a REAL CASTLE from the
Middle Ages.  Yes, yes...  it is a 600
years  old  Castle.   It's ghostly and
startling.   600  years  is itself the
history  and the legend of the ancient
ages.       It's      situated      in
Boldogkovaralja              /Hungary.
Boldogkovaralja    is   approx.    200
kilometres   east   of  Budapest,  and
approx.    50   kilometres   east   of
Miskolc.  We organized a similar party
in  this  castle too one year ago, and
we  learnt  from  that.   So,  this is
going to be far better.

How to get to the party place?
Maybe  you  can reach Budapest by car,
train...  etc.  (If not let us know).

Automobile:   Well,  you must drive to
Miskolc.   How?  Just follow the signs
"Miskolc"  and  you  must  drive on to
road  3,  to  Miskolc.   Then you must
drive  on  road 3.  And when you reach
the    signpost   called   Halmaj   or
Abaujszanto,  turn  right.   Then  you
drive  through  Halmaj, Felsodobsza to
Abaujszanto.   At  this place you must
turn  left.   And  you are going about
1-2  kilometres.   Then  you must turn
right.    From  here  you  must  drive
straight,  you  shouldn't  worry about
any  crossing.   And then you will see
the...  the CASTLE on a high hill.  If
by  that time you still don't know the
way, you are blind.

Railway:    You  must  reach  Miskolc.
From  here  you  must  go  to Szerencs
(pronounce  seerench), here you change
your    train    to    Boldogkovaralja
(pronuence  boldogkouvaaralya).  Count
the stations, becouse you must get off
the  train  at the eighth station.  By
the  way  we  will decorate that small

If it's very complicated for you, just
ask for a map and paperinvitation.

The  party  is  totally Amigaparty and
free from amiga lamers.  The Hungarian
dudes  need  to  ask  for  a  personal
invitation     (not     needed     for
The  bar  will be open 24hrs/day, here
you  will  be  able  to buy everything
from sandwiches to drinks.  So alcohol
is   permitted,  but  if  you  destroy
something, you must pay for it.  There
are a lot of pubs in the village too.
All  info  about  whats  going on etc.
will   be   published   on   a   large
We  can  provide  many real (and cool)
beds,  there's  a motel in the castle.
So,  if  you want to sleep in a silent
place,  here  you will be comfortable.
Enough  showers  and toilets to ensure
that  everybody can have a rest in the
The  party place has plenty of room to
park  for  your  cars, motorcycles, or

A Demo, Graphics and Music competition
will of course take place.
As  everywhere  we are organizing some
alternative   competitions  like  disk
throwing   and  destroying,  Kick  Off
Alive!    and   some  other  which  is
complied  to the castle.  If you think
we  organize  boring  actions, you are
wrong.   We  haven't as high prices as
at  the  western  parties,  but if you
come for this you are a false man.  We
will  be trying organize more fun than
The demos must run on a standard Amiga
with 1 megabytes.  The graphics should
be loadable from Dpaint and the musics
must be executable.  The music and gfx
comp.   will  be arranged on the first
night  and  the  demo  comp.   on  the

The entrance fee is 600 Forints (or 15
DM).   For  your  girlfriends or other
girls it is 100 Forints (or 3 DM).
The rules on the party
You,  our  guest,  are taken good care
of, and we'll try to meet everyone who
needs  to  at  the airport (Budapest),
bus,  train  stations (Miskolc) and so
on.   If three days are not enough for
you  at  the  partyplace,  we can book
rooms before and after the party, too.
Just let us know.
We  hope,  when you are arranging your
vacation  in August, you will think of
the  Castle  party, and you'll come to
our   beautiful   country.   Then  you
should  have a great fun, you can make
the     acquaintances     with     the
central-european elites.

We  won't  promise anything else, just
come and look at.

For     further    info,    map    and

          Live Act  (Grekko)
           Eszaki krt. 21.
          H-4400 Nyiregyhaza


           Live Act (Raize)
              Toldi u.92
          H-4400 Nyiregyhaza

        Or call these numbers:

Raize:   +36-42 14626  (use english)
 Jaby:   +36-46 367231 (use french)

   or this from only 8:00 to 12:00
             on weekdays
Eyebrow: +36-42 15840  (use english)

                             by GREKKO


The        !!!!!!!    !!!!!     !!!!!!!  !!!!!!!  !         !!!!!
          !!!       !!!   !!!  !!!         !!     !!       !!
          !!        !!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!      !!    !!       !!!!
          !!!       !!     !!       !!!     !!    !!       !!
           !!!!!!!  !!!   !!!  !!!!!!!      !!!    !!!!!!   !!!!!!

                         |   o n f e r e n c e  '92

                        organized by  L i v e  A c t

                         A GOOD AMIGAFUN IN SUMMER

                        in Boldogkovaralja, HUNGARY
                          on 7-8-9 of August 1992

                  A small country where everybody is free.
                  And feel for a good party,  feel it too.

Yep,  It's party time again!  And you can't say:  oh no!  another s..t, just
have a look for the partyplace.

The  show  will  open at 8:00 7th (Friday) of August 1992 and close at 18:00
9th (Sunday).

Maybe  you  are  fed up with partyplaces in schools...  etc.  We bring you a
good  chance,  where  you  can enjoy the fun better than ever and one of the
best,  what  we  can  assure  for you.  This place is a REAL CASTLE from the
Middle  Ages.   Yes, yes...  it is a 600 years old Castle.  It's ghostly and
startling.   600  years  is itself the history and the legend of the ancient
ages.   The Castle is situated in Boldogkovaralja /Hungary.  Boldogkovaralja
is approx.  200 kilometres east of Budapest, and approx.  50 kilometres east
of  Miskolc.   We organized a similar party in this castle too one year ago,
and we learnt from that.  So, this is going to be far better.

How to get to the party place?
Maybe you can reach Budapest by car, train...  etc.  (If not let us know).

Automobile:   Well,  you must drive to Miskolc.  How?  Just follow the signs
"Miskolc"  and you must drive on to road 3, to Miskolc.  Then you must drive
on  road  3.   And when you reach the signpost called Halmaj or Abaujszanto,
turn  right.  Then you drive through Halmaj, Felsodobsza to Abaujszanto.  At
this  place  you  must  turn  left.  And you are going about 1-2 kilometres.
Then  you must turn right.  From here you must drive straight, you shouldn't
worry  about  any  crossing.   And then you will see the...  the CASTLE on a
high hill.  If by that time you still don't know the way, you are blind.

Railway:   You  must  reach  Miskolc.   From  here  you  must go to Szerencs
(pronounce   seerench),  here  you  change  your  train  to  Boldogkovaralja
(pronuence boldogkouvaaralya).  Count the stations, becouse you must get off
the  train  at  the  eighth station.  By the way we will decorate that small

If it's very complicated for you, just ask for a map and paperinvitation.

The  party  is totally Amigaparty and free from amiga lamers.  The Hungarian
dudes need to ask for a personal invitation (not needed for foreigners).
The bar will be open 24hrs/day, here you will be able to buy everything from
sandwiches to drinks. So alcohol is permitted, but if you destroy something,
you must pay for it.  There are a lot of pubs in the village too.
All info about whats going on etc.  will be published on a large infoscreen.
We  can  provide  many  real (and cool) beds, there's a motel in the castle.
So,  if  you  want to sleep in a silent place, here you will be comfortable.
Enough  showers  and toilets to ensure that everybody can have a rest in the
The  party  place  has plenty of room to park for your cars, motorcycles, or

A Demo, Graphics and Music competition will of course take place.
As  everywhere  we  are  organizing  some alternative competitions like disk
throwing  and  destroying, Kick Off Alive!  and some other which is complied
to  the castle.  If you think we organize boring actions, you are wrong.  We
haven't  as  high prices as at the western parties, but if you come for this
you are a false man.  We will be trying organize more fun than prizes.
The  demos  must  run  on  a  standard Amiga with 1 megabytes.  The graphics
should be loadable from Dpaint and the musics must be executable.  The music
and  gfx  comp.   will be arranged on the first night and the demo comp.  on
the second.

The  entrance  fee is 600 Forints (or 15 DM).  For your girlfriends or other
girls it is 100 Forints (or 3 DM).
The rules on the party     FUN       COMPETITIONS       BOOZING        GIRLS
You,  our  guest, are taken good care of, and we'll try to meet everyone who
needs to at the airport (Budapest), bus, train stations (Miskolc) and so on.
If  three  days  are not enough for you at the partyplace, we can book rooms
before and after the party, too.  Just let us know.
We  hope,  when you are arranging your vacation in August, you will think of
the Castle party, and you'll come to our beautiful country.  Then you should
have  a  great fun, you can make the acquaintances with the central-european

We won't promise anything else, just come and look at.

For further info, map and invitation--->

Live Act  (Grekko)      Or:       Live Act  (Raize)
Eszaki krt. 21.                   Toldi u. 92.
H-4400 Nyiregyhaza                H-4400 Nyiregyhaza
Hungary                           Hungary

Or call these numbers:

Raize:  +36-42 14626   (use english)
Jaby:   +36-46 367231  (use french)

or this from 8:00 to 12:00:

Eyebrow: +36-42 15840  (use english)
                                                                   by GREKKO