Inteview with Dr. Mastermind

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downloadScene Talk 1Diskmagazine
Axe - Courage - El Cativo - ...
\!x@            Interview with
      ST = SceneTalk's questions
     DM = Dr. Mastermind's answers

\!y@ST: Please, introduce yourself to  our
    readers, give us some  info  about
    yourself (real name,age, ...)  and
    your  work on the Amiga scene.

\!0@DM: My handle is Dr. Mastermind and  I
    belong to  the  Laser Dancers. The
    real name of  mine is  Roman and I
    was  born on 05.01.73, so  now I'm
    19 and a half  years old. That's a
    cool age  and school  is finished,
    too !  I'm  doing  coding,  music,
    swapping and organizing, yes some-
    times  even gfx,  but  you  better
    never let a coder use Dpaint !! 

\!y@ST: When  did  you start coding ?  How
    did  you learn  coding ?  Did  you
    learn from other coders ? Or  from
    which book(s) did you  learn ? Did
    you get  source  codes  from other
    coders to learn ?

\!0@DM: I  started  in '87 G 88  with lame
    Amigabasic, then Gfa-Basic,2 weeks
    Amos, 1 week Blitzbasic and  since
    then, around '91, only  Assembler.
    There was nobody I  knew  who  had
    enough  experience  and   patience
    that's why I learned it from 2 be-
    ginner books and the new Amiga In-
    tern .  Yes,  I  had some very old
    sources,but I can't get along with
    other's  code  so I  had to figure
    out everything by myself.I suppose
    this is the way most coders start.
    Good design and music is the  most
    important thing in my view !!

\!y@ST: Where  do you come from and live ?
    Describe  your  impressions  about
    your home area. What do  you every
    day in your normal life ? Are  you
    surrounded all the time with  some
    cool friends, Amigafreax or girls?

\!0@DM: Our town is called Reutlingen/Ger-
    many, it has more than 100.000 in-
    habitants and is quite  ok  !  Our
    pool is very cool as well !To have
    big fun, meet with ya  friends  at
    the pool  when  the  waves  start,
    stand around a nigger girl,  count
    till  3  and  start pissing simul-
    taneously !!! We love it...:  Most
    of my friends own computers,  that
    is  nothing  special  coz   nearly
    every male is interested in compu-
    ters.  If  girls  are  involved  I
    sometimes behave a bit uncontroll-
    ed and grab their tits, asses, ...
    and some even like it !

\!y@ST: Tell some more than the well-known
    information about your crew.  What
    do  you  think about the organisa-
    tion of your group ?  Could it  be
    better or is it allright ?

\!0@DM: 11  members are quite easy to con-
    trol  and  I am  in  contact  with
    everyone of them. Organisation re-
    minds me of business and I  really
    must say  that too  many take  the
    computer hobby much too serious !!
    Btw , how  do  you  like  our  new
    slogan Laser Dance - Too sexy..!
    (ed.: ??? ) We wanna  differ  from
    the other  typical  German  groups
    and I suppose you realize it  when
    watching our stuff. Just take  the
    packs ! So far,  we had  in  every
    pack (around 21) a different great
    music (synthetic) ! And every time
    a cool scroller, not just the shit
    like Hi, this is pack no. 65535 ,
    cu in the next pack,vote for us !
    We  used  more  than  5 completely
    different menus which were updated
    a bit nearly every time  ! Who can
    beat this ???

\!y@ST: Did   you  had  problems  building
    Laser Dance ? Was it a problem  to
    get members ? Is it a hard job for
    you as the leader of Laser Dance ?

\!0@DM: The hardest work  is to  make  the
    members do something  productive !
    Many are lazy (except me), we need
    especially 1 or 2 more good   gfx'
    ers. I know many members of us for
    a very long time like Jonah, Flinx
    and X-Act. That's the strong basis
    of our group. We can rely on  each
    other and could  even continue  if
    all the others left. In the recent
    time many asked to join us, but we
    select our members carefully.  The
    average age of us is 19,2 which is
    very cool. Maybe that is a  reason
    why  some get  lazy  and interests

\!y@ST: Are you in contact  with  lots  of
    guys in the scene ?

\!0@DM: I think this is the  answer  why I
    have so less  money ! Postage  and
    phonecalls are deadly sometimes...

\!y@ST: How did you get to the scene ?

\!0@DM: The scene got to me.

\!y@ST: What do you plan for the  future ?
    Tell some  information about  your
    work in the near future  and  soon
    outcoming productions.

\!0@DM: Things to come:

   - Diskmag Illumination
   - a cool Scene-Slideshow (by me)
   - 1 or 2 Intros from Germany,2 from
   - Disk Coder (by me)
   - new Pack Menu  ( by me and Mega-
   - Demo with synthetic tunes (by me
     and Megamaniac)
   - maybe a new Sexy Bitches   Slide-
     show if I find more good  PC-pics

\!y@ST: Ok, let's tell us something  about
    your Amiga history, e.g.  in  what
    groups have  you been  before  and
    which earlier jobs have you done ?
    How long have you been in computer
    scene ?

\!0@DM: My former groups  were : Suxxess -
    Success - little break -  Magnetic
    Fields -  Digital  and  now  Laser
    Dance. Altogether 5 long years.

\!y@ST: Did  you have any  other  computer
    before the Amiga ? In what  groups
    have you been there ? What do  you
    think of this scene ?

\!0@DM: No way, only Amiga, but maybe I'll
    buy one of the new Atari (eehhmmm)
    computers  called  Falcon  030  as
    soon  as  they  are  out  to start
    something new coz it's  getting  a
    bit boring  here. The  scene  will
    last for many years  like  on  the
    C64, nevertheless  Commodore  is a
    lame company, let's hope Kickstart
    3.0 and the new chips will  change
    something (I'm pessimistic).

\!y@ST: What hardware do you own now ? 

\!0@DM: Old Amiga 500 Kick 1.2 (everything
    runs, an unknown feeling  for pur-
    chasers of newer models)  in  a Pc
    kit, colour printer, 4  floppies ,
    Action Replay III, 1 Mb, Tv-Tuner,
    Sampler, Kickstartdiskloader (does
    anyone want to buy this ?)and some
    more crap.

\!y@ST: Have you any plans for buying more
    hardware (better equipment) in the
    future ?

\!0@DM: If I need better hardware  I  must
    buy another computer.But some more
    memory and a  laserdisk  would  be
    fine (look above for my birthdate!
    Hehe...). By the way, Pc's are the
    biggest crap !! Boring shit...

\!y@ST: What's your opinon about Pd-Compa-
    nies ? Some of them sold demos for
    much money and don't ask the  pro-
    ducers for a permission ? Have you
    made some experiences with Pd-Com-
    panies ? If so, tell a short story
    about your experience with them.

\!0@DM: Pd-Distributors  are  the  hope of
    lamers to get software, also scene
    releases. If the price is fair  it
    is alright, but if I  look at  the
    adverts in paper  mags  like  that
    from  J. D. Mallander ( 2  DIN  A4
    pages) I sometimes  wish  he would
    live next to my  door to kick  him
    badly in his  shitface every  time
    I see him.

\!y@ST: What  is  your  opinion  about the
    mail-swapping  scene  here in Ger-
    many ? What is more important  for
    you: friendship or business ?

\!0@DM: I  prefer  swapping  with  foreign
    contacts, and business  dudes  are
    kicked at once. 1-2 pages  is  the
    usual  length  of my  letters,  my
    record was 16 pages by hand and  9
    pages with printer !!

\!y@ST: What's your statement about crack-
    ing ?  Have  you  made  any exper-
    iences  with  it ?  Which  cracker
    crew is in your opinion  the  most
    famous one ?

\!0@DM: Cracking is a tough job  and  I am
    not able to remove the  up-to-date
    protections. Cracking  has  become
    pure business, that's the only sad
    point about it. The best group  is
    probably Crack Inc. !?

\!y@ST: Did ya have any troubles with  the
    police ?  Remember  the  copyright
    laws  and add  your own  statement
    for  it.  Do  you  think that  the
    copyright laws  have  any negative
    effects in evolution of the scene?

\!0@DM: Hmm,  yes .  But  nothing  serious
    happened . These  laws  are   old-
    fashioned and stupid and even  the
    police don't take the  cases  con-
    cerning software piracy  committed
    by freaks too serious. Let's  hope
    the Ec won't bring harder laws for
    each country ! The  software  com-
    panies have a lobby, but where  is
    ours ??  Laws  cannot  change  the
    scene !!! In my  personal  case, I
    follow the  laws  which I consider
    useful and correct, for the rest I
    just give a shit and  that  is the
    copyright for example !! Alrighty.

\!y@ST: What do you think about Amiga par-
    ties ? What  kind of  parties  you
    prefer in  your  real life ?  What
    was the best party you visited ?

\!0@DM: No doubt, parties are  cool, Amiga
    or the usual ones. Anyhow,  I must
    admit that I lost  interest  a bit
    coz what need  is  there to travel
    e.g. 1000 kilometres, spend a  lot
    of money, just to meet some people
    and get a bit of new stuff. It's a
    kind  of crazyness, but  why not ?
    I'd like to  visit a big Scandina-
    vian  party once. The  best  one I
    visited  might  be  the  Shining 8
    Easter  Conference, cu there  this
    year (?) again !

\!y@ST: Are you planning to go to any Expo
    this year ? If yes, are you  plan-
    ning to go to the World of  Commo-
    dore (Frankfurt) or to the Expo 92
    (Cologne) ?  

\!0@DM: It  depends  on  our  driver  Wuff
    (Wotw) of Gothic. I guess we  will
    visit the World of  Commodore.  No
    more Ami-Expos, we nearly lost our
    lives on the highway last year !!!
    Yo, Wuff the Kamikaze-driver !!!!!

\!y@ST: Did you made often voyages in your
    life ? Describe  just  the visited
    places  and  your  impressions  on
    them. Do you like travelling, mee-
    ting  new  pals, seeing new places
    etc. ?

\!0@DM: You have to split it into 3 parts.
    First,  the trips  you  make  with
    school. England was  great, France
    sucked   like  hell (  visiting  a
    private school nearly every day is
    just uncool), East Germany  was  a
    desaster (hot as chili,  bad wash-
    ing and shitting  facilities,  not
    to  speak  of the  food and drinks
    (puke...)). Skiing in  Switzerland
    was cute, especially  the  actions
    concerning girls, hehe... the good
    old days...South Italy was my last
    and best trip, all day cool  atmo-
    sphere, the teachers were drunken,
    too ...  Second  category  is  the
    voyages you do  with  your parents
    (my  last  one  was  about 5 years
    ago). No more  comment !  And  the
    third variety is to  travel   with
    your friends like my  trip to  the
    Bodensee at pentcost. Boozing  and
    fun  nonstop  !  Next  year  maybe

\!y@ST: What kind of music do you prefer ,
    listening often to radio or watch-
    ing videos ? 

\!0@DM: I like Amiga music(not the doodle-
    doodle-jazzy-strange   style, know
    what I mean ? I hate it !! Back to
    the 80s !),Tekkno, Italo and Heavy
    (I used to be a 100 percent  head-
    banging thrasher, but I got  older
    and wiser...). The radio music  is
    not  my  taste,  except of  Charly
    2000 's  programme. Mtv is cool to
    watch while copying stuff.

\!y@ST: Do you have a  girlfriend  at  the
    moment ? If so, what is her name ?
    What kind of girls you prefer?

\!0@DM: I  am  too  lazy  to  list all the
    names of my harem, hehe ! My dream
    of  a  bitch would be: blonde, not
    fat, tits so  hard you  can  crack
    nuts on 'em,a wet pussy with a big
    hole for my big dick,  intelligent
    (hard to  find those) and  a  good
    character (even harder to  find) !
    And older than 14 years...

\!y@ST: Describe your favorite and prefer-
    red following things:

    \!y@DRINK:\!0@                      Beer !
    \!y@FOOD:\!0@                       Beer !
    \!y@THING TO DO:\!0@       Drinking Beer !
                   (getting boring ??)
    \!y@REAL MUSIC:\!0@               Various.
    \!y@MOVIES:\!0@                 Naked Gun,
                  L.A. Story, Bootsie,
                            La Boomba,
                Pervers Extrem live,..
    \!y@TOOL:\!0@              AsmOne, Dildo N
         Loveballs (for my ass, hee !)
    \!y@GAME:\!0@             Sensible Soccer,
                             Lotus II.
    \!y@DEMO:\!0@              Global Trash II
    \!y@GROUP:\!0@           TSL, Kefrens, PMC
    \!y@MUSICIAN:\!0@           Uncle Tom, SLL
    \!y@GRAPHICIAN:\!0@               Uno, RWO
    \!y@CODER:\!0@                      Laxity

\!y@ST: Ohh yeahh, isn't this torture some
    time  finished ? Maybe  soon,  but
    first  you have  to tell  me which
    question  I  didn't  ask  you  and
    which one I should ? Hmm, have you
    something special to say like some
    last  words, greetings or messages
    to some of your best friends ?

\!0@DM: Buurps...
    Thanx  for interviewing me, if you
    wanna join our crazy  team drop us
    a line at:  PLK 034764 D
                D-7410 Reutlingen.
    No  babies  under 16 years  of age
    and no milk-drinkers !!

    Message  to Dope of Pleasure: Amos
    is  sooooo  coool,  ain't  it  !?!
    Mega-Greets  to all  who  know  me
    and  especially to all LASER DANCE
    smurfs !!

    Message  to WOTW of Gothic :  Stop
    ripping  and  stealing  sounds  !!
    It's lame !!!

\!y@ST: Thanx for this megacool Interview!

                               - AXE -