Party Review for Dexion X-Mas Conference 1990

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Dexion Party Report
Dexion X-mas Conference report                                  By Paleface /REBELS

In the days between 26.12 and 29.12-90,   The school  was located quite  near to
Dexion  and  "Computer  Clubben Odense"  a big  shopping mall,  where  you could
held a big copyparty in Odense,Denmark.  buy everything that you needed.
More than 600 freaks were gathered in a   Those were  the good things,  here are
school near  Odense,  but was the party  the bad ones:
worth the money..?                        Because of problems  with drunk people
 First of all, the positive things abo-  on other  parties,  Dexion had  decided
ut the party:                            not to allow any alcoholics at the par-
 The place was quite good. As mentioned  ty.  It is  understandable,  that  they
above,  the  conference  was held  in a  didn't wan't it to be a boozeparty, but
school, were you could choose either to  they were  quite  fanatic about it,  so
sit  in a hall  with noise and lots  of  the place was full of kids with walkie-
people, or in small classrooms with mo-  talkie's screaming "I am now located in
re peace and only  one or two groups in  sector D, and I just caught  a  person,
each.The lavatories and the bathing fa-  drinking  a  beer",  or  searching  the
cilities were okay,  but not the best I  trashcans for  bottles and so on.  They
have seen.                               even called the cops once, so everybody
 The party had it's own "kitchen", whe-  had to hide their Xcopy's.
re you could  buy food, Coke,  Snickers   There  were  many competitions  on the
and so on. The prices were very reason-  party, but they were not organized very
able compared to other parties and to a  well. In the democompetition, there was
normal burger bar. The burgers were not  a jury,  that was  to judge  wether the
of the McDonalds standard though.        demos were "good enough" to compete.Un

Dexion Party Report
fortunately, their judgements were very
random  and  sometimes almost  corrupt.
The Vision demo,  for example,  was not
allowed to compete,  even though it was
much better than a  couple of the other
demos, that got through. Of course some
demos (there was a demo, which was cre-
ated in RSI's demomaker)  were too lame
to compete, but it is unfair not to let
the audience judge for itself!
 I wouldn't  say that this party  was a
failure,  but that certainly wasn't the
organizers' fault.It was worth the mon-
ey, but nothing more than that. I don't
think Dexion will be more popular becau-
se of this party. It's rather opposite.

The democomp top 3:
1. Phenomena's Animotion
2. Budbrain's Megademo 2
3. Crionics' Total Destruction   

Paleface of REBEL