Inteview with Duncan

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downloadCracker Journal 15
on Alpha Flight, Vision Factory and Powerslaves copy party
Alpha Flight
Andy - Chris - Devil - ...
added 2/94
  CJ:   First  of  all,  some  words
about  The BAND (members, countries,
TB:    The   Band   was  created  on
february  ’88  by  two people one in
Belgium  and one in France (this guy
left  the team 8 months later).  For
now  we  are  13  members  (Belgium,
France, United   Kingdom  and United
States of Anerica.
CJ: Which computer do you use?
TB:  Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 with hard
drive, external drives and so on.
CJ: When did you release you first
crack and trainer
TB:   Our first crack was Beyond The
Ice  Palace  in  March  ’88  and the
first trainer was Thundercats in May
CJ:  Where do you got your originals
(we ask this every group, because we
expect everytime a funny answer)?
TB:   When  we  are  very  kind,  we
receive  them  like  a  gift from my
mother,  in  the  other case we find
them in a trashcan behind a shop.
CJ:   In former times you didn't re-
lease no cracks or trainers.  What's
the reason for this positive change?
TB:    It   is   not   difficult  to
understand,  nobody  in the team was
able to crack or trained something.
CJ:   You  told  me on the VF-Party,
that  your  group was not very happy
about  the article "The Belgian Pro-
blem"  in  the  last Cracker Journal
written  by  Avirex.   You also told
me,  that  the  article  contains no
truth.  What was (is) not true?
TB:  About this articlem I have just
some  words to tell:  It's really so
esay  to  come  at my home, copu all
the  stuff, sell to other people and
then  tell look at all our stuff, we
are a cool team.  After this you can
understand,   we  have  broken  with
AVIREX.   For now we ask what AVIREX
becomes  if  they  stop to buy their
stuff from BS1!!!
CJ: When is your first party?
TB:   At  the end of the year ’89 in
CJ:   How many  contacts do you have
and  how many moneu do you spend for
TB:   We  have  now  50 contacts all
over  the  world  and we pay all our
CJ: Is swapping important for you?
TB:   Yes, it’s the only way we have
to spread our productions.
CJ:   Do  you  have  a  BBS or/and a
TB:   For  the moment, we have great
problems  with  modems, the lines in
Belgium  are very bad (2400 bds max)
and  ATT  in Belgium doesn’t want we
call BBS in the states.
CJ:  Do you think that parties are a
good idea?
TB: Yes, when they are lamer free.
CJ:   So,  some words about the such
named Lamers and Loosers?
TB: No comment!
CJ:   Your  favorite  (1)  game, (2)
crackers,  (3)  groups,  (4)  sound-
maker,  (5) GFX-artists, (6) boards,
(7) programmers and (8) computer?
TB:   1) Dungeon Master, 2) The Band
cracker,  3) Vision Factory, d) SLL,
4)  Eleven  CFR, 5) ?  6) North Star
and 7) ZX-81!!!
CJ: Are you afraid about the police?
TB:   NO,  because  here  in Belgium
it’s not illegal to copy software.
CJ:     Could   you   imagine   that
software-piracy will be legal in the
beginning of 1993?
TB:    It’s  already  like  this  in
CJ: What do you expect of 1993?
TB:   I  hope  there is no law about
copyright in Belgium.
CJ: Is there someome you don't like?
TB:   I  hate  people who send blank
disk  to  the  p.o box hoping to get
new stuff fron us.
CJ:   What  are  your  plans for the
future (maybe to buy ab Archimedes)?
TB:  For the future, we hope to stay
in  the top ten on amiga and release
some brand new cracks.  The amiga is
our  latest computer, when the Amiga
break down, we cancel all activity.
CJ: That's all. Maybe a last word?
CJ:   Thanks,  Duncan, for answering
nearly all questions.