Release Review for Sleeping Bag

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadFourth Dimension 6Diskmagazine
Cryptoburners & Razor 1911 & ...
Blackstar - Bozo - Bug - ...
added 10/94
Demo Corner
Sleeping Bag Demo by Horizon!            bad  Jarre-conversion, I didn't like it
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  at all! And that was it!
Horizon   had, in  the Mental  Hangover
style,  created a  demo using an entire  Conclusion:
disk.  This demo had the same "load-and  This demo, although not having the same
watch"  style as M.H. So, could Horizon  quality  as M.H. offered some enjoyable
live up to Mental Hangover?              moments,  and Horizon did a good job on
                                         this   one. I  really  liked  Blaizer's
As  you inserted  the disk,  the screen  soundtrack,  it did a lot for the demo.
went  black and  something loaded. Then  The Jarre-tune could have been left out
the music started playing, and soon the  This  demo should be  seen by all demo-
intro  started. We had 3D stars, a logo  fans, it's really quite good.
and a writer. Then, a rather good load-  ---------------------------------------
screen came up, loading the first part,  Coding: 76%
which  was a filled vector part, rather  Graphics/Design: 78%
normal  I'd say. Then some more loading  Music/Sound FX (I): 84%
came,  and we  waited...  and waited...  Music/Sound FX (II): 56%
until  suddenly a large ray-traced part  Originality: 59%
begun,  really good-looking. The calcu-  Overall: 79%
lation must have taken quite some time!  ---------------------------------------
All  these parts featured a great piece                  Blackstar/Cryptoburners
of music by Blaizer/Silents.We had some
more   loading, and  then the  end-part
appeared, maily a vertical scroller and
a  logo.  The music  here was  a rathe